Grades 6-12: Internet Safety Night **FREE**

Program Flyer: Internet Safety Night—October 2008
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Content Provider

Contact Information
Tim Gore
School District of Clayton#2
Mark Twain Circle
Clayton, MO 63105
United States
Phone: (314) 773-6934
Program Type
Individual Program
Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience
Education: Grade(s): 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parent, Public Library: Library Patrons, Community
Primary Disciplines

Technology/Information Science, Internet Safety
Program Description
There is no doubt we now live in an “Internet Age.” At the click of a mouse, you can e-mail hundreds of people simultaneously, buy that long-desired vintage automobile, or create a personal profile to share with the world. With unlimited opportunities, cyberspace may well have become the new “final frontier.” How best can we explore this frontier? How can we minimize risk and maximize safety? How can we help students be secure in their Internet activities? These are important questions, and we are offering this special evening event to invite parents, teachers, students and community leaders to participate in this important discussion. Participants will hear a keynote presentation from Larry Magid, author of MySpace Unraveled, co-director of, founder of, and a board member of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The keynote will be followed by an interactive panel discussion with Mr. Magid, Chris Pickering, Chief Investigator from the Missouri Attorney General’s office, Joe Laramie, Director of Missouri’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. Detective Andy Anderson, Mid-Missouri Internet Crime Task Force Coordinator, and Lindsay Casmaer, Miss Missouri 2007 and victim of cyberstalking. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the panel discussion. Topics will include online predators, cyber-bullying, identity theft and other Internet-related issues “This is such an important issue – it is absolutely critical for kids, parents and community members to be on the same page with regard to online safety,” said Randy Raw, Manager of Network Security at MOREnet. “The Internet is a fantastic learning tool, but like any tool, people need to understand what the risks are and how to use it safely.” Your group can choose to participate in one of three ways: 1) via interactive videoconference connection; 2) via “View Only” videoconference participation; and 3) by watching the live stream at Organizations are encouraged to let parents know of the live stream option if they cannot get to your videoconference location. View only participants and Internet viewers will be able to e-mail questions during the program. Interactive participants will also have opportunities to ask face-to-face questions of the panelists. MOREnet, the Missouri Research & Education Network hosts Internet Safety Night twice a year, and publishes a website of Internet Safety resources located at Schools, libraries, colleges, universities, cities, civic groups, churches, etc from around the country are encouraged to participate. Be a host site for members of your community to participate in this important discussion. Online resources may be printed and copied for distribution at your location or you can link your organization’s site to MOREnet to encourage individuals to access the resources on their own.About MOREnetMOREnet links Missouri to a world of knowledge through a statewide research and education network. Schools, public libraries, academic institutions and state agencies linked to the network have access to a secure broadband Internet connection, staff training, technical support and electronic resources, making equitable access possible across Missouri.
Program Format
Order for the program is included below. 1. Welcome and Introductions2. Keynote Presentation— Larry Magid, author of MySpace Unraveled, co-director of, founder of, and a board member of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will share an overview on Internet safety and important topics for parents, children and educators to understand.3. Interactive Discussion—Participants will be able to ask questions of Mr. Magid and the additional experts joining us on the panel. If participants wish to share their own examples of dealing with an Internet safety issue, what they did, how they responded, etc., they are welcome to do so. If participants with to share success stories, examples of policy implementation, etc. they believe would be helpful for others to hear about, they are welcome to do so. Questions may come from any of the topics addressed in the keynote presentation, discussed by the panelists during this section of the program, also from the parent, student and educator resources found online at MOREnet’s website Closing Segment
1. The participant will develop a more comprehensive awareness about the importance of Internet safety and the safety threats that exist on the Internet.2. The participant will engage in a discussion with professionals and peers about what it means to help create and maintain a safer Internet environment.3. The participant will select specific steps for them to take to increase their own Internet safety and the safety of others.
National Standards to which this program aligns
ISTE NETS 5: Digital CitizenshipStudents understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students:a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
State Standards to which this program aligns
This program is targeted to the national standards listed above and not any one state's specific standards.
Program Length
2 hours
10/30/08 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Central Time

Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
Interactive Cost: $0.00View Only Cost: $0.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Program Fee Notes
There is NO CHARGE for this program.
Cancellation Policy
Should you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as you do.
Is video taping allowed?
The Provider broadcasts over
IPInternet 2
Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider
Once you have enrolled in the program, you will need to place a test call with our bridge organization MOREnet to ensure your participation. We will contact you with that information after receiving your enrollment request.
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