Grades K-12: Texas State Aquarium Virtual Tour

Texas State Aquarium
Contact Information
Stephen Jack
2710 North Shoreline Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78402
United States
Phone: (361) 654-1450
Fax: (361) 881-1226
This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience
Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Public Library: Library Patrons
Primary Disciplines
Sciences, Ocean Literacy
Program Description
Discover the many Texas State Aquarium's exhibits through our nine real-time cameras. See our sharks up close, the dolphins play, our rowdy river otters and much more!
Program Format
This program encourages participation.Questions are appreciated thoughout the presentation.
The participant will:-Explore adaptations of animals in the Gulf of Mexico-Engage in discussions with presenter -Develop an appreciation for the animals around the Texas coast
National Standards to which this program aligns

Program Length

50 minutes for all grade levels
By Request

This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

By Request/On Demand Cost: $150.00
Premium Members enjoy many additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Program Fee Notes
There are two program packages available. The pricing is based on number of students and shipping supplies.For more information please contact Stephen Jack at (361) 654-1450 .
Cancellation Policy
Must give two weeks notice for a full refund.The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 48 hours notice.The Texas State Aquarium reserves the right to cancel programs at anytime. If the Aquarium cancels a program then a full refund will be supplied.
Is video taping allowed?
The Provider broadcasts over
ISDN Minimum Broadcast Speed: 384 K Maximum Broadcast Speed: 384 KIP
Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider
A test call is required.The Texas State Aquarium bridges through our Education Service Center to connecting schools.The tech contact at the Service Center is Tina Cooper (361) 561-8457 .
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Grades 5-8: Fossils: Our Clues to the Prehistoric Past

Contact Information
Melissa McCormick

PO Box 9714200

Solomons Island Road South

Solomons, MD 20688

United States

Phone: (410) 326-2042 ext. 41

Fax: (410) 326-8217

Program Type
Individual Program
Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience
Education: Grade(s): 5, 6, 7, 8
Primary Disciplines

Program Description
Students will meet Megalodon, the largest marine predator shark that ever lived. They will talk with a paleontologist and learn how they "read" fossil clues. They will look at different types of fossils and learn how fossils are formed. They will learn what fossils teach us about the past.

Program Format
1. This program begins with an introduction to the geologic time line, helping students understand where the Miocene epoch fits in.2. We will discuss Carcharodon megalodon and compare this fierce predator, now extinct, to the modern Great White Shark.3. We will discuss what a paleontologist is, and talking with a member of the museum's paleontology staff to learn how fossils are formed, what they are made of, and how they are created.4. We will explore what paleontologists can learn about the ancient past from these fossils.5. Students will estimate the size of ancient sharks by measuring their teeth.6. Students will brainstorm the various conditions that might lead to extinction of a mighty species like Magalodon.

1. Students will learn what paleontology is.2. Students will examine various fossils and learn about the different types of fossils.3. Students will compute the size of various sharks by measuring their teeth and applying to a formula.4. Students will extrapolate information about ancient creatures based on a comparison with similar modern counterparts.
National Standards to which this program aligns

NS.5-8.3 LIFE SCIENCEAs a result of their activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop understanding* Diversity and adaptations of organismsNS.5-8.4 EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCEAs a result of their activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop an understanding*Earth's history
Program Length
1 hour
By Request
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
Interactive Cost: $100.00
Premium Members enjoy many additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge

Cancellation Policy
We will not charge for programs canceled due to nature, or for programs canceled due to technical problems with our equipment. We will charge the full fee for programs not canceled at least 48 hours in advance for any other reason.
Is video taping allowed?
The Provider broadcasts over
Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider
The schools are required to dial us.
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Grades K-12: Captain John Smith Discovers the Treasures of the Chesapeake-Mapping the Bay

Calvert Marine Museum
Contact Information
Melissa McCormick
PO Box 9714200
Solomons Island Road
SouthSolomons, MD 20688
United States
Phone: (410) 326-2042 ext. 41
Fax: (410) 326-8217
Program Type
Individual Program
Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience
Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Primary Disciplines
Community Interests, Sciences, Social Studies/History
Program Description
This program focuses on Captain John Smith's exploration of the Chesapeake Bay in 1608. Students will read excerpts from Smith's journal and learn to use his map to identify major landforms and locations of Native peoples. Interactive games allow students to test their knowledge.
Program Format
1. This program begins with an introduction of Captain John Smith as students complete parts of K-W-L chart on the explorer.2. We will read and interpret an excerpt from Smith's journal to determine what he saw on his Chesapeake voyages and how he used his journal entries to create a map of the region.3. We will watch a video of the Sultana Projects re-creation of Smith's exploration of the Chesapeake so we can see first hand what his voyages were like.4. We will examine a replica of Smith's shallop to determine the advantages and disadvantages of this type of vessel as it was used for exploring the Chesapeake.5. We will examine a copy of Smith's original map to identify map elements, landforms, and locations of various Native American tribes.6. Students will use Smith's map to play the game "Chesapeake Millions".7. Students will write their own journal entries and create maps of a favorite place.

1. Students will interpret John Smith's map and excerpts from his journal.2. Students will identify locations and geographic formations on John Smith's map.3. Students will interpret primary resources to gather information about the Chesapeake Bay region in the 17th century.
National Standards to which this program aligns

NSS-G.K-12.1 The World in Spatial TermsAs a result of activities in grades K-12, all students should* Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.* Understand how to use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context.NSS-G.K-12.2 Places and RegionsAs a result of their activities in grades K-12, all students should* Understand the physical and human characteristics of places.*Understand how culture and experience influence people's perceptions of places and regions.NSS-G.K-12.6 The Uses of GeographyAs a result of their activities in grades K-12, all students should* Understand how to apply geography to interpret the past.
Program Length
1 hour

This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

Interactive Cost: $95.00
Premium Members enjoy many additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Cancellation Policy
We will not charge for programs canceled due to nature, or for programs canceled due to technical problems with our equipment. We will charge the full fee fro programs not canceled at least 48 hours in advance for any other reason.
Is video taping allowed?
The Provider broadcasts over
Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider

The schools are required to dial us.
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