Gr 1-4 Abe Lincoln: Honest and Lucky

The 16th President makes a special appearance in your classroom as he tells the story of his life from childhood to death. Learn all about what made Abe so lucky and some unique educational information about this famous man. You will feel as if you just met him--and you did!

Program Format
1) Introduction in first person
2) Historical accounts (in first person) of how Lincoln's life was lucky as a young person
3) Historical accounts (in first person) of how Lincoln's life was lucky and honest as an adult
4) Historical accounts (in first person) of how Lincoln's life was lucky as President
5) Questions and wrap up

Program Length: 50 mins
Interactive Cost: $125.00

Hartley Outdoor Education Center

Andrea Loshaw
12633 Beaver Road
St. Charles, MI  48655
United States
Phone: (989) 865-6295
Fax: (989) 865-6981

Gr 7-12 Pillars of Islam with Global Nomads

Despite the number of times we've seen the words "Islam" and "Muslim" splashed across our headlines, what do we really know about the Islamic culture and faith? What are the central tenants of this religion that has 1.3 billion people- 20% of the world's total population- faithfully practicing?

Students will learn about the pillars of Islam first-hand from a practitioner of the faith and the influences Islamic culture has had in shaping our modern world. Afterwards, students will share their (mis)conceptions about the religion and draw comparisons of shared values in their own lives.

Videoconference Format

The following outline briefly describes the different components of a typical videoconference session for students:

1. Introduction: The GNG facilitator opens the videoconference and thanks the students from all participating schools. The facilitator also gives a general breakdown of the conference format.

2. Background on Topic: The GNG facilitator will provide a short background on the topic to be discussed. This presentation will include videos and other visuals to enhance the learning experience for the students.

3. Interactive Student Dialogue: Students will begin by responding to the GNG facilitator's questions about the program topic for the week (sample questions from all participating schools will be provided for each videoconference that directly relate to the topic of the day). Students will then pose questions and comments to one another and engage in direct dialogue about the topic. This exchange will constitute the majority of the session. .

4. Conclusion: The facilitator thanks all teachers and students for participating and allows all schools to make closing remarks. Lastly, the facilitator reminds students to prepare for the next session.

Length: 1 hour
Interactive Cost: $300.00

Global Nomads Group

Tonya Muro
Global Nomads Group
381 Broadway, 4th floor
New York, NY  10013
United States
Phone: (212) 529-0377

Gr. 9-12 Women Who Rock: Songwriting and Points of View

A successful songwriter must learn to master musical composition and creative writing. Lyrics often reflect the times while simultaneously employing the use of rhyme scheme, metaphors, and other poetic devices to work in tandem with musical arrangements. In this class, students will explore different song writing techniques by female musicians from the 1960s until now, understanding distinct musical styles and points of view in cultural and historical terms. Students will analyze lyrics by the Crystals, Aretha Franklin, Patti Smith and Nicki Minaj, interpreting meaning and contextualizing perspectives while also dissecting song structure.

By Request Cost: $150.00

John Goehrke
1100 Rock and Roll Boulevard
Cleveland, OH  44114
United States
Phone: (216) 515-1202
Fax: (216) 515-1931

Gr 2-6 Holiday Customs and Traditions

Ever wonder why people sing about "wassil" and decorate trees and light special candles during the holiday season? Let Earlyworks answer those questions and more in this presentation all about the many different celebrations and traditions we and others enjoy during the holidays. Traditions concerning the Festival of Lights, Karamu, Thanksgiving, and Christmas will be discussed and traced back to their origins.

Program Format
1. This program will begin with an introduction to the presenter.
2. The presenter and students will discuss Thanksgiving origins and traditions.
3. The presenter and students will discuss Christmas origins and traditions.
4. The presenter and students will discuss Festival of Lights (or Hanukkah) origins and traditions.
5. The presenter and students will discuss Kwanza origins and traditions.

Program Length
40 mins
By Request Cost: $125.00

EarlyWorks Museum 

Nicole Strickland
404 Madison Street
Huntsville, AL  35801
United States
Phone: (256) 564-8122
Fax: (256) 564-8151

Gr K Friends in the Sea, Are you like me?

Follow Gracie, a baby gray whale, in search of animals that are just like her. Along the way, she will discover that just because they live underwater, not all ocean animals look or sound the same. On this learning adventrue, students will use sound, movement and observations to discover some of the animas that make the ocean their home.

Interactive Cost: $75.00
30 minutes

Aquarium of the Pacific

Sarah Swain
100 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, CA  90802
United States
Phone: (562) 951-3114

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