Gr. 5-8 The Planets? Suite!

This class combines the scientific study of our solar system with the orchestral music of Gustav Holst’s The Planets. Students of all learning styles will be engaged by the variety of activities in this highly interactive videoconference. Included is a set of solar system posters for you to keep for your classroom!

Students will review and reinforce what they know about the solar system.
Students will tie their knowledge of science and the solar system to other subjects including music, math, art, and language arts.
Students will utilize the music from Gustav Holst’s The Planets to better understand our solar system.

Program Format
1. Game: The Order of the Planets
2. Discussion: Background on Gustav Holst and his suite
3. Math Activities: Positioning the Planets in the Solar System
4. Performance: Mars Ostinato
5. Listening Activity: Guess the Planet
6. Discussion: Compare and Contrast Venus and Mars; Jupiter
7. Activity: Labeling Form with Jupiter
8. Discussion: Mercury
9. Language Arts Activity: Using Music for Creative Writing
10. Discussion: Neptune, Saturn and Uranus
11. Visual Arts Activity: Drawing Uranus, The Magician

Interactive Cost: $175.00

Cleveland Institute of Music
Contact Adam Phillips about scheduling.
11021 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44106
United States
Phone: (216) 368-0780
Fax: (216) 791-3063

Gr 1-2 Science of Sound Jr.

Students sing, move and splash their way to learning scientific concepts behind sounds in this highly interactive, hands-on program.

Students will demonstrate their knowledge of soft and loud sounds.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of high and low sounds.
Students will create and understand sound waves and how different things make sound.

Program Format:
1. Discussion: Common Sounds; Loud vs. Soft
2. Song: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (to demonstrate dynamics)
3. Seeing Sound: Waves in the water
4. Experiment: Duckies
5. Experiment: Tuning Forks
6. Game: Identifying high and low sounds
7. Song: Ebenezer Sneezer (to demonstrate pitch)
8. Live performance: Demonstration of how an instrument makes a sound

Interactive Cost: $175.00

Cleveland Institute of Music
Contact Adam Phillips about scheduling.
11021 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44106
United States
Phone: (216) 368-0780
Fax: (216) 791-3063