Grades K-12: Sea-sons Greetings from SeaTrek!


Registration for 2010 Now Open!
Time slots for December 2009 - March 2010 are now available on the SeaTrek calendar,

As you can see, SeaTrek currently has limited availability for Spring 2010. As of now, public time slots are not available for April and May 2010. Please check back February 1, 2010 for possible changes to availability.

Popular SeaTrek Programs for 2010

SEA ME READ: Clumsy Crab
Description: Join us on an ocean adventure! Meet Nipper, a very clumsy crab, and all his friends! While playing with his friends, Nipper's big claws break things, and are just plain clumsy! When Nipper's friend Octopus is in trouble, can his big, clumsy claws save the day? Find out as we read this exciting story from the sea! During this program, students will learn about crustacean diversity and the importance of protecting the ocean.

Grade Level: Pre K - 2nd Length: 20 minutes Cost: $75.00

Don't be afraid! See sharks up close and learn the truth about them! During this 30-minute program students will become immersed in the fascinating world of sharks and determine what is fact and what is myth!

Grade Level: 5th - 9th Length: 30 minutes Cost: $100.00

See what it takes to care for sick and injured sea animals, such as dolphins, whales, sea turtles and manatees. Visit Mote Marine Laboratory's Sealife Hospitals to observe actual case studies. Students will understand how marine animals are rescued in a stranding situation; learn how marine animals are treated for various injuries and sicknesses; learn what Mote Marine Laboratory does for sick and injured marine animals; and understand how they can protect these animals.

Grade Level: 6th - 12th Length: 30 minutes Cost: $100.00

Pre-registration required for all SeaTrek programs. Please visit our website for more details,

Discount Bundle Deals: If you order 5 or more programs at one time, you can save up to
10% per program!
Please see website for more details.*
*Offer does not include SeaTrek Showcase or introductory prices.

For further information about our programs, please contact the SeaTrek Coordinator,

Grades 3-12: An Introduction to the Hebrew Language

Program Description:

An introduction to the Hebrew language is presented in a highly interactive, student-friendly format designed to acquaint students with this ancient, yet modern language. The nearly 6,000 year history of the language, its variant scripts, dialects and sounds will be explored. Students will begin to learn how to decode written Hebrew and will be introduced to basic Hebrew vocabulary.

The presenter is a Jerusalem-based ordained rabbi with over 30 years experience as an elementary/middle school educator in the United States and Israel.

Program Format:

1) The program begins with a short history of the Hebrew language
2) Hebrew consonants and vowels will then be identified and vocalized
3) Next, different forms of Hebrew script used throughout history will be presented and compared
4) Finally, students will read and translate a selection of modern Hebrew words
5) Time will be allotted for questions and answers

Cost: $125 for a 50-minute, point-to-point videoconference, scheduled upon request.

To schedule your videoconference please contact:

Yitzchak Schwartz, M.Ed
Distance Learning Solutions LLC
972-54-830-6072 (Jerusalem Studios)

Grades K-12: Dance Programs from Minnesota Shubert Performing Arts and Education Center

Latin Social Dances

This class will include the wide variety of social dances born out of Latin America and Cuba. Examples we will cover include Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Cumbia, and Mambo. The students will learn the basic step to each dance rhythm.

Mexican Hat Dance

This class is a fun way to celebrate our southern neighbors. The Mexican Hat Dance is easy and very enjoyable. Students will learn the traditional dance still used in celebrations today.

Salsa Dance

Salsa- is a dance for Salsa music created by Spanish-speaking people from the Caribbean. Salsa dancing mixes African and European dance influences through the music and dance fusions that are the roots of Salsa. It is normally a partner dance and can be improvised or set with a routine.

This class will teach students the basic salsa rhythm and dance steps accordingly. Then they will learn a few movements to perform with a partner and we will combine these into a choreographed routine.

Melissa Koch
528 Hennepin Ave S
Suite 303
Minneapolis, MN 55403
United States
Phone: (612) 465-0220
Fax: (612) 382-5571

Grades 3-6: ELEMENTARY: The Science of Harry Potter

Magic for muggles! Learn how some of Harry Potter's magic is possible with modern science, through re-creating magic spells and phenomena using chemistry and physics. Elementary school students join COSI demonstrator, Jessica Prunty, as she explores the incredible world of Harry Potter through amazing demonstrations and interactive hands-on experiments.

Program Length

60 minutes

Program Date
Program Time
Network Time
Registration Deadline

All times below are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, as specified by the Content Provider. To view times in your time zone, login or create a profile.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
12:30 PM - 2:15 PM

Date/Time Notes

Please visit COSI's website to make your reservation.
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

Interactive Cost: $160.00

Content Provider: COSI Columbus
Contact Information
Electronic Education
333 West Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215
United States
Phone: (614) 228-2674 ext. 0
Fax: (614) 228-6363