Grades K-5: November Themed Videoconference Lessons

Please see below for "November themed video conference lessons" from the Muskingum Valley ESC. All student connections are $75.00, and available upon request.

Coming to America: The Colonization of Jamestown and Plymouth (available upon request)
Use as a supplement to your Thanksgiving themed lessons!This program explores the first English settlements in America: Jamestown and Plymouth. By viewing this program students will discover who the colonists were, from where they came, how they crossed the ocean, and the things they did to create settlements in the American wilderness. Grades 3-5

Living in a New Land: The Pilgrims Meet the Wampanoag Tribe (availableupon request)
PERFECT addition to any Thanksgiving activity!This program looks at why the Pilgrims chose to come to the new world, and the settlement they made in the American wilderness. Students will use various reasoning skills to determine the challenges that they faced, the tribes they met, and the hardships they endured. Students will compare and contrast cultures for a better understanding of the life and times during the 1600's. Grades K-2

How Geography Influenced the Native Americans (available upon request)
Students will locate Native American communities that lived in Ohio and compare their life styles to the Native Americans located in other areas of the United States. They will learn about the homes and how the land and environment influenced their living styles.Grades 2-3

Laura Ingalls Wilder: Pioneer Days (available upon request) Students will examine the past through the experiences of a young girl named Laura Ingalls Wilder. The lesson begins by listening to part of a story titled: Pioneer Girl: The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder written by William Anderson. Various story terms and topics will be discussed to further student understanding of the times on the rugged frontier. Students will predict, compare and contrast various story elements. This lesson concludes with a discussion and hands on activity on the purpose of quilts. Grades 2-3

Leslie Charles

Distance Learning Coordinator

Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center

205 North 7th Street

Zanesville, Ohio 43701

740.452.4518 ext 133

Grades 7-12: Study Smarter with Your iPod & iTunes

November 19
Study Smarter with Your iPod & iTunes

Offered twice, 10:00 - 10:50 and 1:00 - 1:50 Subject area: Technology Integration and Study Skills Grade level: 7-12

Review class content anytime, anywhere by putting it on your iPod! Learn how to create and manage class notes on this useful handheld device. Students will also learn about accessory recorders for the iPod, making mobile recording practical and easy. Features discussed are not compatible with the iPod Shuffle.

1. Questions? Contact Bob Stricker at or 937-746-6333.

2. Cost: each session is $50.

3. Click here for the Registration Form.

4. For more information and listing of Ohio Academic Content Standards, click here.

5. Want to place a test call to SOITA? Dial

Grades 4-12: Suffrage and Courage: A Woman's Quest for Equality

Program Flyer: Suffrage and Courage: A Woman's Quest for Equality
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The Ward Melville Heritage Organization 2007-08
Deborah Boudreau
111 Main Street
Stony Brook, NY 11790
United States
Phone: (631) 751-2244
Fax: (631) 751-2024

Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parent, Public Library: Library Patrons
International, Language Arts/English, Performing Arts, Sciences, Social Studies/History, Technology/Information Science
Performance. lively debate of historical and social points will provide students with an understanding of these historic events and an appreciation on of the complexity such topics had for early 20th century Americans.These interactive live performances will afford students the opportunity to meet the performers through real-time video conferencing and interact with historical charactersEach program meets National Learning Standards, in addition to being BOCES Arts-In-Education reimbursable. We assure participation in our educational programs will heighten the learning experience and be a welcomed addition to your classroom curriculum. Please feel free to contact Deborah Boudreau at for further information and to book your reservation for this program or for any other educational programs, at (631) 751-2244 . Also, please feel free to visit our website for further information.
45-60 minutes
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY

By Request/On Demand Cost: $150.00
Request this Program Now

Grades K-12: Puerto Rico! The Island of Enchantment (English or Spanish)

Program Flyer: Puerto Rico! The Island of Enchantment (English or Spanish)
Request this Program Now
Content Provider
Contact Information
Audra May
13939 Diagonal Road
Clearwater, KS 67026
United States
Phone: (620) 584-3300 ext. 135
Fax: (620) 584-3307
Target Audience

Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Public Library: Library Patrons

Program Description
Students will learn basic words in the Spanish language, greetings and "refranes". Several Puerto Rico traditions will be covered: El Dia de Reyes, festivals celebrated in the island, and native dances such as la bomba and la plena. The tiney tree frog, "El Coqui", that has become a symbol that identifies the people from the island and the Puerto Rican Flag will be covered. Many famous landmarks and buildings will be introduced.

Students will experience the following:- Spanish language- Spanish greeting and refranes- Puerto Rico traditions, dances, festivals- Puerto Rico places of interest

Program Length

K-5 programs are 30 minutes in length. 6-12 programs are 30-45 minutes in length.

This program is available by request/on demand ONLY

This program is by request with a minimum of 2 week notice. Available times are 8:30am, 9:30am, and 2:00pm, and 2:30 CST.

Interactive Cost: $125.00Point to Point Cost: $125.00By Request/On Demand Cost: $125.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Please send a PO to: The Service Center at Clearwater13939 Diagonal RoadClearwater, KS 67026PO must be received prior to connection date. (If cancellation occurs due to weather, etc..., site will not be penalized to reschedule.)
Cancellation Policy

We will not charge for programs canceled due to nature i.e. snow days. The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 48 hours notice.
Request this Program Now

Grades 4-7: Weather Watch

333 West Broad Street

Columbus, OH 43215

United States

Phone: (614) 228-2674 ext. 0

Fax: (614) 228-6363

Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7

Problem Solving, Sciences, Technology/Information Science/Mathematics

Work with COSI’s Storm Spotter to learn how changes in air pressure and temperature can affect the weather. Students will take and use readings from barometers and thermometers to help them predict basic weather patterns. They will also explore air pressure using everyday objects and understand why changes in weather often occur around cold and warm fronts. All materials for pre- and post-visit activities are included in the kit.
- Introduction from COSI’s Storm Spotter- Each group presents their predicted forecast on what type of weather they think the Storm Spotter had on last year’s vacation - Investigation and experimentation on the affects of high and low pressure using the syringe and marshmallow- Cloud in the bottle demonstration- Hands-on experiments on the different properties of warm and cold air using density activity sheet, beans, plastic ball, metal ball and 9oz cup- Demonstration using split demo tank to demonstrate how warm and cold water interact- Conclusions are drawn as to what type of weather the Storm Spotter had on vacation last year- Final demonstration on air pressure using air pressure cylinder.- Final questions and thanks
- Explore how changes in air pressure and temperature can affect the weather.- Use readings from barometers and thermometers to help them predict basic weather patterns.- Explore air pressure using everyday objects and understand why changes in weather often occur around cold and warm fronts.
Students in 5th grade should know that:- When liquid water evaporates, it turns into water vapor in the air and can reappear as a liquid when cooled, or as a solid if cooled below the freezing point of water.- Water moves in the air from one place to another in the form of clouds or fog, which are tiny droplets of water or ice, and falls to the Earth as rain, hail, sleet or snow.- Uneven heating of the Earth causes air movements (convection currents).- Causes and effects of severe weather.- How to use weather maps and weather forecasts to predict local weather, and that prediction depends on many changing variables.- The Earth’s atmosphere exerts a pressure that decreases with distance above the Earth’s surface, and is the same in all directions.Students in 5th grade should be able to:- Identify a single independent variable in a scientific investigation and explain what will be learned by collecting data on this variable.- Record data using appropriate graphic representation (including charts, graphs, and labeled diagrams), and make inferences based on those data.- Draw conclusions based on scientific evidence and indicate whether further information is needed to support a specific conclusion.Students in 6th grade should know that:- Convection currents distribute heat in the atmosphere and oceans.- Differences in pressure, heat, air movement, and humidity result in changes of weather.Students in 6th grade should be able to:- Develop a hypothesis.- Construct appropriate graphs from data and develop qualitative statements about the relationships between variables.Students in 7th grade should be able to:- Communicate the steps and results from an investigation in written reports and verbal presentations.

60 minutes

This program is available by request/on demand ONLY

Interactive Cost: $220.00Point to Point Cost: $220.00By Request/On Demand Cost: $220.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!
Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge

If you have multiple classes and would like to schedule a multipoint program, please call us at 614-228-2674. Discount for multipoint programs is $190 + Line charges per class. Additional kits can be purchased for $65.
We ask that anyone making a reservation please check school calendars for holidays, professional development days and testing dates. We also ask that the person making the reservation please coordinate with teachers, technical coordinators, bridges and other interested parties prior to submitting the request. COSI will retain a $25 processing fee for ALL reservations and test connections: the processing fee and test connection are included in the price of the program. If you need to cancel a reservation, you must reschedule your program two weeks prior to the show. COSI will reschedule your program or test connection one time before an additional $25 rescheduling fee is added to the price. Please see our web site for further information on reservation and cancellation policy -

Grades 6-12: The Human RACE: One Species, Many Opinions

The Human RACE: One Species, Many Opinions
Request this Program Now
Cleveland Museum of Natural History

Lee Gambol

1 Wade Oval Drive

Cleveland, OH 44106

United States

Phone: (216) 231-4600 ext. 3202

Fax: (216) 231-9960

Education: Grade(s): 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Sciences, Social Studies/History

Character Education, Sciences, Social Studies/History

The RACE exhibit looks at humans through the eyes of history, science, and lived experience. Students will be asked to participate in activities and discuss ideas that may challenge how they think about race, human variation, and the values that cultures place upon these variations. Alan Goodman, a biological anthropologist who worked on the RACE exhibit, gives this quote: “All skin colors, whether light or dark, are not due to race but to adaptation for life under the sun.” It is this biological view of the human race that we emphasize during this discussion.

1. We begin with a basic definition of anthropology.2. Students are asked to participate in a series of 'segregation exercises' to illustrate the concepts of categorization and the assigning of values to specific human variations.3. Students view a brief video created by a teen filmmaker that explores the messages that American society gives to African-American teens about their value and worth to society.4. Students will look at current genetic research focusing on the similarity of all human races.5. Time is allowed for discussion and questions.

Participants will:Relate how science cannot support the reality of race as a valid biological concept. Describe the scientific basis for the statement: “We are all Africans” Describe the scientific reasons for differences in skin color. Relate how the social concept of “race” has historically affected African-Americans and other groups. Relate how the social concept of “race” continues to affect our treatment of others.

40-50 minutes

This program is available by request/on demand ONLY

Interactive Cost: $120.00Point to Point Cost: $120.00By Request/On Demand Cost: $120.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!
Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge

$120 per programSpecial Offers — Bundle up and save!$10 off per program when 5 or more programs are scheduled.*NOTE* Schools in Lorain County, Ohio can receive this program free of charge thanks to a grant from the Nordson Corporation Foundation.

Cancellations must be made at least seven days before the scheduled appointment. Failure to cancel in advance will result in being charged the price of the program. There is no charge if your program is cancelled due to weather or unforeseen technical problems.

We suggest doing a test connection within one week of your scheduled program, especially for first time clients.
Request this Program Now

Grades K-12: Cincinnati Art Museum

Cincinnati Art Museum

Heather Calcagno

953 Eden Park Drive

Cincinnati, OH 45202

United States

Phone: (513) 639-2970

Fax: (513) 639-2998

One of the country's oldest visual arts institutions, the Cincinnati Art Museum was founded in 1881 and was the first comprehensive art museum west of the Alleghenies to be established in its own building. When it opened to the public in 1886, it was heralded as the "Art Palace of the West." Over a period of 125 years, the Museum has developed a rich and extensive permanent collection numbering nearly 100,000 objects and spanning 6,000 years in which visitors can find significant works from many cultures and historical periods as well as important works of art reflecting Cincinnati's own history. While there are many uniquely important works in this collection, its greater significance lies in its breadth and scope as a resource for educators and students at K-12 schools, colleges and universities in a broad range of disciplines; scholars, artists and museum professionals; and Museum visitors who can enjoy a regular program of exhibitions organized from the collection.

By Request/On Demand
Cost: $100.00