New Programs from Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

Around One Cactus - Animals of the Desert for Young Children
Grades K-2
$140 per site

Around One Cactus by Anthony Fredericks is a delightful story about a desert, a giant cactus, and the animals who live in it. Learn the natural history of the fascinating creatures from the story with Becky Pound, Museum School Early Childhood Specialist.

All About the Sun
Grades 6-8
$140 per site

The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system and its secrets attributes are critical to understanding important science concepts like energy, waves, distance and even chemistry. Join Linda Krouse, Director of the Noble Planetarium, for a 50-minute program designed to help your students learn more about our amazing star, spectrums and energy.

Grades 5-8
$75 per site

The three major regions where rainforests exist today, the New World, Africa, and Southeast Asia are remarkably similar overall, but when you look closer there are major and fascinating differences between them in terms of fauna, flora, geological and evolutionary history. Find out about the characteristics used to define rainforests and how each rainforest region is unique.

Children's History: Native American Cradle Boards
Grades K-2nd
$140.00 per site

History will come alive for your students as we explore history from a child's perspective. Join Becky Pound, Museum School Early Childhood Specialist, as she shares the stories behind Native American cradle boards. Becky uses authentic specimens from our collection and hands-on activities to help your students to learn about the life of Native Americans. You will receive materials for your students to make their own cradle board to take home and share with their family.

Other programs available from Fort Worth Museum of Science and History include...
Adaptation Exploration: Owls (Grades K-5)

All About Matter (Grades K-8)
Armadillo Round-Up (Grades K-2)
Ask the Expert: Forensic Science (Grades 5-12)
Dollars and Sense: Making Wise Choices with your Money (Grades 4-5)
Eggs Everywhere (Grades K-8)

Geometric Transformations (Grades 3-8)

Icy Science (Grades 1-8)
Science in the News: Nanotechnology (Grades 7-12)
Spring Skies Tonight (Grades 3-6)
Go to for program availability or contact Anne Herndon
to schedule a special request on specific dates and times.
Anne Herndon
Assistant Director, School Services
Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
(817)255-9521 (817)255-9521