Grades K-12: Radio City Christmas Spectacular **FREE to NORT2H Members**

Special Distance Learning Presentation
Radio City Christmas Spectacular
Tuesday, December 9 - 1:00 to 2:00

Panel: A Radio City Rockette The Company Manager "Behind the Scenes" Production/Technical Staff

The Radio City Christmas Spectacular starring the world famous Radio City Rockettes has been seen by more than 65 million people in cities across the nation over the past 75 years. Featuring several live animals, 12 scenes, 18 Rockettes, hundreds of kicks and more than 250 costumes, careful coordination and precision timing are integral to this magical, memorable performance.
Your students will learn what it takes to stage this grand holiday tradition, which is sometimes performed as many as four times in one day! Transmission Modes: eTech Ohio IP Networks Schools interested in participating in this educational opportunity should contact John Ramicone at 216-916-6360 or by December 5th.
A program fee of $75.00 will be charged to schools. Please process a purchase order to WVIZ/PBS Distance Learning, c/o John Ramicone, 1375 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland44115 and fax a copy of the p.o. to 216-916-6361.
KeyBank Careers in the Performing Arts is a joint educational initiative of Playhouse Square and WVIZ/PBS and 90.3 WCPN ideastream.John R. Ramicone Director of Distance Learning Services-WVIZ/NOTA 1375 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 phone: 216-916-6360 fax: 216-916-6361 email:

Grades 3-7: The "We Dare You!" Video Project

Program Flyer: The "We Dare You!" Video Project
Request this Program Now
Vicki Cobb
Vicki Cobb

302 Pondside Drive

White Plains, NY 10607

United States

Phone: (914) 949-1104

Fax: (914) 949-1977

The purpose of this program is to get kids to create videos from Vicki Cobb's new book: We Dare You! Hundreds of Fun Science Bets, Challenges, and Experiments You Can Do at Home. The videos may be published on Vicki Cobb's website:

Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Parent, Public Library: Library Patrons
The first session is for Vicki to kickoff the project to the kids. Kids will have the opportunity to see videos and order the book at a 50% discount from the publisher.Once the project is initiated, you will have several weeks to videotape kids doing the science activities. If some people are interested in editing the videos, that’s fine. Otherwise, unedited tapes will be sent to Vicki for her to edit. Throughout the project, she will answer email questions.The final session will be a discussion of what the kids learned from this project.
In the kickoff presentation Vicki will introduce the kids to her book and have them do a few tricks while sitting there. She will then show them some videos from her website and give them tips on how to prepare to create videos.
The main objective is to get kids involved in doing science.
Two 45 minute video conferences for grades 3-6. The first is a launch, the second a summation
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
This program launches a project that combines media literacy and science education and should be done over a period of several weeks.
By Request/On Demand Cost: $400.00
Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
All payments for books are directly with the publisher, not through Vicki Cobb.
There is some flexibilty for rescheduling but there will be a 50% kill fee for cancellation.
Request this Program Now

Grades 4-12: The Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory

The Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory
Request this Program Now
The Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory
peter robson/BUBL Project
15 Linden Park
Rochester, NY 14625
United States
Phone: (585) 473-7112

Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parent, YMCA/YWCA, Content Providers: Content Providers
Best Practice, Career Education, Community Interests, Health/Physical Education, International, Mathematics, Problem Solving, Sciences, Technology/Information Science, Technology Education
Creating a School/Community Partnership (Vista), Family & Consumer Science, International, Social Studies/History, Special Needs, Technology/Information Science, Technology Education
The Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory or BUBL™ Project, is a state-of-the-art virtual underwater laboratory. This is the only facility of its kind in the entire country. This experience introduces you to various career fields, such as, Communications, Navigation/Weather, Biology, Chemistry, Archeology, Remote Sensing and Geology.
This program is an interactive conversation style conference. Information is presented, discussed and follow-up questions by students are encouraged. Lab activities are completed during the conference and application to real-world experiences are made.
60 minutes or more depending on desired content
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Direct connections to the laboratory are scheduled upon request. The "live" underwater conferences take several weeks to coordinate and must be scheduled well in advance of actual desired date.
Interactive Cost: $235.00Interactive Cost with Premium Service: $220.00 What's this?View Only Cost: $180.00View Only Cost with Premium Service: $165.00 What's this?Point to Point Cost: $235.00Point to Point Cost with Premium Service: $220.00 What's this?By Request/On Demand Cost: $265.00By Request/On Demand Cost with Premium Service: $250.00 What's this?
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!
Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Fees and payments are collected using Purchase Orders or please contact directly for further billing instructions. BOCES is a non-profit cooperative educational service with Monroe County in Rochester, New York.
We will not charge for programs cancelled due to nature i.e. snow days. The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 48 hours notice.
Request this Program Now

Grades 7-12: Author Barri Bumgarner Writing Workshop Series: "Monsters"

Author Barri Bumgarner Writing Workshop Series: "Monsters"

Contact Information
Rebecca Morrison

Cooperating School Districts

1460 Craig Road

St. Louis, MO 63146

United States

Phone: (314) 692-1274

Fax: (314) 872-9128

This is a two part series. Students will participate in the first session by listening to readings, thinking about their own ideas, and formulating what they will write. For the second session, students will come prepared with their own writing, work on next exercise assigned by author Barri Bumgarner, and hopefully share their products with the group!

Education: Grade(s): 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Number of Participants
Columbia, Missouri author, Barri Bumgarner, inspires young writers to create stories brought about from personal fears, experiences, and real-life issues - "monsters". By opening the door to the imagination, Bumgarner offers insights to getting kids to write, revise, and share! Bumgarner also does a follow-up session, going through the full process of revision, explaining that a rough draft is indeed ALWAYS rough, and rather than TELLING the students that, they’ll see it first-hand for themselves. During this two-part session, Bumgarner will discuss how she wrote her own novels, what inspired her ideas, and how students can follow the same path.

In the first session, Ms. Bumgarner introduces herself and gives a brief biographical background including how she came to be a writer. Then, she begins the writing activity which will be interactive from the very beginning. The students listen to stories that will inspire topics, do some brainstorming of their own, then begin their OWN stories. For part two of the session, students will come prepared with their rough drafts from session one, will complete another activity, then go through some revision and sharing exercises!

Participants will:+ Interact with a published author+ Discover the writing process+ Understand the importance of revision and editing

60 minuntes

All times below are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, as specified in your profile.
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The first videoconference will take place January 9, and the follow up videoconference will be February 20. There are two session times: 8:30 a.m. for high school and 10 a.m.CST for 7th and 8th grade.
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

Interactive Cost: $250.00

Program Fee Notes

New Links to New Learning members get the two videoconferences for a cost of $200. Nonmembers pay $250 (total) for both videoconferences.