Grades 5-12: African Americans in Politics

THURSDAY, February 28, 2008 - “African Americans in Politics”
(stories of Shirley Chisholm, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Barack Obama)

Register online at

Series: Black History Month
Presenter: Dr. Tiffany Patterson, Vanderbilt University Associate Professor,
African American Diaspora Studies

Date: THURSDAY, February 28, 2008
Target Audience: Students in grades 5 -12
Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time zone)
Format: 45-minutes segmented into 30-minute presentation and 15-20 minute Q & A
Cost: $75 per site
Registration: Register online at
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email Chandra at


A black and white world. Signs of hope. Determination. A changing world. Civil rights champions.
Living legacies. The passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 served as a catalyst for significant change in
both the American legal and moral landscape. The focus of this videoconference is on the stories of these
four African Americans from 1968 until today.

Come and join this videoconference and explore the lives of these prominent African American politicians
who have served America through public service:

1) Shirley Chisholm: the first African American woman elected to the United States Congress

2) Colin Powell: a four-star general and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he was the first African
American Secretary of State

3) Condoleezza Rice: national security adviser and the first African American woman Secretary of State

4) Barack Obama: the only African American currently serving in the U.S. Senate; and
currently pursuing a presidential bid in 2008

Register online at

Videotaping of Virtual School videoconferences is not allowed due to legal issues such as informed consent, jurisdiction, confidentiality, standards of practice, and supervision.
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Patsy Partin, M.Ed
Director, Virtual School
Vanderbilt University
2007 Terrace Place
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 322-6384


Grades 4-9 Constellations: Stories of the Stars with Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum

How are art and astronomy intertwined? How has the depiction of the night sky changed over time? Why is it important to create collections for history, for art, and for science? These are questions that your students will be able to answer after exploring the collection at the Adler. From exploring the current night sky in your area to learning from an Adler historian about how people have looked to the sky for thousands of years and back again to how modern astronomers explore the universe, this program will connect your students? interest in the arts to both astronomy and history. Join us for an artistic adventure through time and space!

Interactive Cost: $125.00

Katie Peterson
1300 South Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: (312) 322-0333
Fax: (312) 322-9181

Grades 6-12:Species-at-Risk

New Program – Species-at-Risk

This program is suitable for junior, intermediate and senior grades. Through simulations, demonstrations and other interactions, we will explore how changes in habitat affect native species, learn to recognize invasive plants and animals and discover the many species-at-risk, such as the Blanding’s turtle, that live nearby. For those people requesting the program out of province, I will also examine a species-at-risk particular to your area helping your students to relate to this critical issue of conservation and stewardship.

This program will be available by request from Monday, February 25. To request it, please email me so that we can work out scheduling details. I will then send you an updated registration form for you to complete. Once a date and time has been confirmed I will send you a teacher’s package.

We are also working on a Teacher PD session that should be available soon too.

I look forward to working with you,


Karin Davidson-TaylorOutreach Education Coordinator

Royal Botanical Gardens Hamilton * Burlington, Ontario
905-527-1158 ext 249800-694-4769 ext 249 (Canada)
Visit us at

FREE: Grades 2-9 Snake, Rattle, and Stand Still!

To help educate Texas students, Mr. David Sager, Mr. Dennis Cumbie, and Mr. Jody Gray from the Sweetwater Jaycees, will visit with Texas students concerning the rattlesnake’s habitat, characteristics, life cycle, different species, research, safety, and emergency medical treatment if bitten. During the program live rattlesnakes will be used to demonstrate striking distance and venom milking. Selected sites across the state will have the opportunity to participate in live Q & A with the rattlesnake handlers.

Snake, Rattle, and Stand Still! by Sweetwater ISD, the Sweetwater Jaycees, and Education Service Center Region 14

February 29, 2008
9:00 - 9:45 AM for Elementary Students
10:00 - 10:45 AM for Secondary Students

Most sites will be "view only"!
Texas Schools: Offered FREE for all districts connected to an Education Service Center's videoconferencing network.
Out-of-State Schools: Offered FREE.

Grades K-12: Center of Puppetry Arts Spring Programs

Spring bookings are still available! Don’t forget to book your favorites. We book on demand, so let us know what date and time works for you.

Popular programs for spring include:

Butterflies (K-2nd) Build a Butterfly Marionette and learn about the lifecycle, camouflage, and insect characteristics of butterflies! TEACHER FAVORITE*

Plants (1st-3rd) Build a Pop-Up Plant puppet and learn about parts of plants, photosynthesis, and plants and food!

Rain Forest (3rd-5th) Build a Tropical Bird Rod Puppet and learn about the diverse life of a Tropical Rain Forest!

Spiders (1st-6th-tailored to grade level) - Create a Spider Marionette and learn about web builders, hunters, really weird spiders, and the differences between spiders and insects! PRESENTER FAVORITE*

NEW PROGRAM- Mexico! (3rd-6th) Students build an Eagle Mask and learn about Mexico’s culture. The influence of ancient, native civilizations and the Spanish are explored through the art of the mask and Mexican traditions/celebrations.

Anansi the Spider: A West African Folktale (PreK-2nd) See a live shadow play and learn about the trickster- Anansi! Traditional African drum beats and narration by Ramatu Sabbatt, a native of Nigeria, bring this story to life.

Exploring Africa (1st-3rd) Learn about the diversity of the African continent & its animals! Build a Giraffe Rod Puppet.

Africa/Mali (4th-6th) Tailored for older students! Explore the diversity of the African continent through its people, homes, and environments! Build a Malian Rod Puppet.

Other popular programs for spring include:

Butterflies (K-2nd) Build a Butterfly Marionette and learn about the lifecycle, camouflage, and insect characteristics of butterflies! TEACHER FAVORITE*

Plants (1st-3rd) Build a Pop-Up Plant puppet and learn about parts of plants, photosynthesis, and plants and food!

Rain Forest (3rd-5th) Build a Tropical Bird Rod Puppet and learn about the diverse life of a Tropical Rain Forest!

Spiders (1st-6th-tailored to grade level) - Create a Spider Marionette and learn about web builders, hunters, really weird spiders, and the differences between spiders and insects! PRESENTER FAVORITE*

Dinosaurs (K-2nd), Native Americans (3rd-6th); Discovering Puppetry in Other Cultures (4th-12th) are also popular favorites!

All programs meet national curriculum standards and have downloadable study guides available on our website: You can also call us at 404-881-5117. JUST EMAIL OR CALL US TO BOOK YOUR PROGRAM. J WE BOOK ON DEMAND, SO LET US KNOW WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. We book all time zones.

The Distance Learning Team
Patty Petrey Dees, DL Program Director
Deborah "Bo" Bowman, DL Coordinator
Iyabo Shabazz, DL Assistant
Sara Burmenko, DL Assistant

Direct studio line: 404-881-5117
1404 Spring Street, NW at 18thAtlanta, GA 30309-2820