Grades 5-8: Don't Feed the Bully

Program Flyer: Don't Feed the Bully
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Content Provider
Brad Tassell
Contact Information
Brad Tassell
P.O.Box 742
Santa Claus, IN 47579
United States
Phone: (812) 660-0191
Program Type
Individual Program
Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience
Education: Grade(s): 5, 6, 7, 8, Public Library: Library Patrons
Primary Disciplines
Character Education, Problem Solving, Special Needs, conflict resolution/bullying
Secondary Disciplines
Character Education, Community Interests, Problem Solving, Special Needs, bullying/conflict resolution
Program Description
The goal of this presentation and the book Don't Feed the Bully is to build empathy in students, Help them learn to move the bully target away from them, and create awarness that they can shoudl take responsibility for the violence and bullying in their school.A typical student presentation includes:Lot’s of laughs and magic and song Introduction of Don’t Feed the Bully concepts In depth thought and discussion on the steps to help stop bullying. Engaging stories to help build empathy and understanding of principles Questions and discussion (hopefully due to time.)
Program Format
1. Begin informally speaking to kids as they arrive. IF connection can be open ahead of time.. I engage them in talk and laughter, and an opening song before we even start the program.2. a magic trick that illustrates the only true magic which is reading, and it's importance in every aspect of life.3. The fun kids Name Song. This is a riddle song where I ask the kids to guess the names after doing a verse of the song. 4. I ask them why we are laughing so much until someone realizes that I have spent a good amount of time making fun.5. We start to talk seriously, engagingly about bulling, the concepts of the book and outlining the points above.6. A song about Ernie the big bully in my sixth grade that turns out the bully is me, and we think very hard about how much we all have a responsibility to stopping violence and bullying in our school.7. Q & A
Laugh a great deal!Build empathy and understanding for othersLearn how to move the Bully target awayLearn how to asses violenceStay calm and think clearly in situationsBe better bystanders by taking more responsibility for bullying in the schoolStop lying about trying to hurt othersLearn the importance of the Apology.Learn the importance of forgivness.
National Standards to which this program aligns
NPH-H.5-8.1 HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION * Describe the interrelationship of mental, emotional, social, and physical health during adolescence. * Describe how family and peers influence the health of adolescents. NPH-H.5-8.3 REDUCING HEALTH RISKS * Distinguish between safe and risky or harmful behaviors in relationships. * Demonstrate ways to avoid and reduce threatening situations. Demonstrate strategies to manage stress. NPH-H.5-8.5 USING COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO PROMOTE HEALTH * Describe how the behavior of family and peers affects interpersonal communication. * Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants and feelings. * Demonstrate ways to communicate care, consideration, and respect of self and others. Demonstrate communication skills to build and maintain healthy relationships. * Demonstrate refusal and negotiation skills to enhance health. * Analyze the possible causes of conflict among; youth in schools and communities. * Demonstrate strategies to manage conflict in healthy ways. NSS-C.5-8.5 ROLES OF THE CITIZEN What are the Roles of the Citizen in American Democracy? * What are the responsibilities of citizens? * How can citizens take part in civic life? American School Counselor Association StandardsKnow theimpact of mutual respect on student learning.Effective,nonbiased, small- and large-group instructionin assertiveness training in areas such assexual harassment, conflict resolution, andpersonal safety.provide preventionand intervention techniques to respond tohate language, bullying, harassment, intimidation,and gang and clique activity.
Program Length
50-60 minutes
By Request
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Date/Time Notes
Please ask for any date you wish, but please understand that flexibility is important as I do travel 15 days a month to schools and for Carnival Cruise lines.
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
By Request/On Demand Cost: $225.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Program Fee Notes
Fee is due within 10 days of completion of program.
Cancellation Policy
Please, contact within 24 hours of cancellation as the site is a 2 hour drive.
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Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider
Minimum 384 K connectionAlso require a test connection prior to session.