Challenger Learning Center e-Missions

Academic year 2010-2011 is well underway and we would like you to consider how e-Missions™ can help you make this year the best yet for your students.  Please check out our growing list of e-Missions that we offer at  Each mission scenario has its own website; complete with lesson plans, materials, and information for you. 


WV Storm – (Middle School)
Hurricane Alert! - (Middle School)
CyberSurgeons- (High School)

At the Challenger Learning Center, one of our goals is to help teachers provide positive, productive, and engaging learning experiences for students.  Our e-Mission programs offer a wide range of options for teachers to help them meet learning objectives for the year.  Each e-Mission includes a wide range of prepared lesson plans aligned with state and national standards ready for you to deliver in your classroom. 

After completing a minimum number of lesson plans, your class ‘connects live’ with Mission Control at the Challenger Learning Center to help solve problems.  Your class will assemble into an Emergency Response Team made up of specialist groups to use their math, science and reading skills to help NASA solve problems.

In essence, this program equals the thrill of a field trip for your students without leaving the classroom.  We can connect with any classroom, anywhere with the use of a few computers, video conferencing equipment and internet access.  E-missions are ‘no bus, no fuss’ virtual field trips and they are great tools to expose your students to technology at the same time that you cover core math and science topics.

If you have not yet scheduled your e-Mission(s) for this year, now is the time!  Please complete and return the attached reservation form or register on-line at  I look forward to flying with you and your students this year!  Kathleen

Kathleen Frank
Assistant Director
e-Missions Programs
Challenger Learning Center
Wheeling Jesuit University
316 Washington Ave.
Wheeling, WV  26003
304-243-2495 (desk)
304-780-6614 (cell)

Gr 4-6 1900s Logging Camp: The Life of a Lumberjack (FREE 10/31-11/4: Limited Number of Classes Available)

The year is 1900, America is growing fast and timber is in high demand! Join us a at a Northern Minnesota logging camp where students take on the roles of lumberjacks and explore the lives of men who cut, hauled and floated logs downstream to the sawmills. Students will examine historical artifacts to learn how humans and technology impacted the forest.

1. Introduction of presenter as Foreman or boss of logging camp, the owner of the logging camp and the students as employees of the logging camp.
2. We then discuss the history of the logging industry before and during 1900
3. Then students are introduced to Logging Camp and the buildings at logging camp
4. Students then learn about daily life a logging camp and how each of their jobs at logging camp help the whole crew work together.
5. Concluding with how logging has changed and how logging has impacted the environment.

This program is available by request ONLY

$120.00 for schools not in the State of Minnesota

Limited Number of FREE Classes Available for October 31st to November 4th.

Margaret Nimocks
345 Kellogg Blvd. West
St. Paul, MN  55102
United States
Phone: (651) 259-3412
Fax: (651) 282-2484

Gr. 5-8 Special author Discussion, Don't Feed the Bully, Fall/winter edition

It's September, and you need a book to assign for class reading. Don't Feed the Bully has been shown to be a great choice! 86% of sixth grade boys who said they don't like reading, in a recent study,* finishedDon't Feed the Bully, and called it their favorite or equal to any book they had ever read. Over 90% of all students finished the book and over 75% said it was their favorite or equal book. Plus, the topic of bullying in a novel that is funny, fun, and accessible creates a million teachable moments in each lesson.

Then after reading the book to have a discussion with the author on writing, the genre of the hard boiled detective, and bullying.

Brad Tassell's
 bullying presentations are known for bringing huge laughs, music, magic, and responsible information on bullying. Including, simple steps to moving the bully target, creating empathy, and taking responsibility for violence.

This program is stripped down to discussing in-depth the important topics in the book and it's concept. There will still be lots of laughs because as a 22 year veteran of the comedy stage, Brad can't help it!

Each student will be responsible for having questions ready to ask. One related to bullying and the other related to writing, authorship, literature, or the genre of the detective novel. Plus, the use of simile, metaphor, and analogy to enhance meaning and humor.

Brad will have lots of questions too.

This is a not to miss learning opportunity for incredible growth right off the school year bat.

“In a nutshell: Don't Feed the Bully is an important self-help book for pre-teens that is cleverly disguised as a hilarious, fictional novel. Don't Feed the Bully provides practical advice to children on the extremely important topic of bullying. Yet it delivers that advice in a humorous, captivating plot that makes putting the book down nearly impossible. I urge educators to adopt this as required reading for your middle-school children. Doing so would be a major step forward in takling the serious problem of bullying, which continues to lead to escalating violence in our schools.” Barnes and reviewer, 5/12/2007 ***** 

The book will be mailed out to arrive as early as possible, the fee for the conference will be due on arrival of the books.

*2007, 2008 Discover Middle school study of sixth and seventh graders who read the book.

Program Format:

A magic trick that illustrates that reading is the only true magic.

Introduction by Brad Tassell

I will facilitate the discussion.

There will be appropriate stories used for explanation.

I will question students on their ideas on bullying and it's causes and cures, and on writing, creativity, and the use of simile, metaphor, and analogy.

This program is available by request ONLY

By Request Cost: $200.00

Brad Tassell
P.O.Box 1437
Bowling Green, KY  42101
United States
Phone: (812) 660-0191