Grades 5-12: We've Come This Far by Faith: A Spiritual Journey Through Black History

“We've Come This Far By Faith: A Spiritual Journey Through Black History”

Series: Black History Month
Presenter: Dr. Andrew Stephens

Date: Thursday, February 21, 2008
Target Audience: Students in grades 5 -12
Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL TIME ZONE)
Format: 45-minutes segmented into 30-minute presentation and 15-20 minute Q & A
Cost: $75 per site
Registration: Register online at
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email Chandra at

Description: (PLEASE see FULL lesson plan with standards, objectives, pre-activities, and post activities)

Since the arrival of Africans in the Americas, religious institutions and spiritual traditions have been at the heart of African American civic, social, and cultural life. Free and enslaved Africans brought their own religious and spiritual traditions with them, and adopted, adapted, and transformed Christianity.

The church not only provided spiritual strength and guidance, but also focused on issues of social and human justice. The familiar scenes of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., other ministers, and civil rights activists leading marches to end segregation and racial injustice are a permanent part of the American historical memory. The role of faith and spirituals will be highlighted from Harriet Tubman to Martin Luther King, Jr.
This videoconference is about people, about African Americans searching for ways to bring deeper meaning to life while addressing the range of issue which affect them, their families, neighborhoods, and communities. It is an examination and an exploration of the ways in which individual belief had shaped and changed African American history and culture.