Grades 11-12: Siddhartha - Cultural discussion

Description:My senior class has just finished reading Interpreter of Maladies by Jumpha Lahiri and will be starting Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. I would like to have a literature / history / culture discussion with another group of students that are reading the same text and can add cultural perspective to customs, beliefs, etc. My preference would be to find a connect with classes who could provide this type of perspective to rural students here. The purpose of the discussion would hopefully be driven by the idea of "deconstructing cultural myths and examining literature through varying cultural lenses"
Sign up method:Exploding Collaboration
Grades:11, 12
Subjects:Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History
Outcomes:deconstructing cultural myths and examining literature through varying cultural lenses
Preparation Time Frame:You will need a few class periods prior to the connection to prepare your presentation and a 45-60 minute videoconference.
Methods and Activities:Preparation: Have students read texts and research cultural norms & beliefs.
Responsibilities:Students will participate in discussions guided by teachers.
Agenda:Agenda: 45 minutes (depending on class periods of participating classes)

5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.
Visuals: Use the document camera or PowerPoint to share a few pictures of local interest.

15 min. Share Your Stance. Each student/group briefly shares their stance on the topic.
Visuals: Illustrations enhance the experience if there is time.

25-40 min. Discussion. Students from each class take turns discussing the issue. Students should include supporting facts and details from their research in all comments that they make. Participating classes may wish to assign a student facilitator for each class to assist in the flow of discussion.

5 min. Debrief and Conclusion. After the discussion, teachers may wish to debrief and comment on the process and content/curriculum discussed. If time is available, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations.

Rob Reynolds
Phone: 406-297-5628
Cell: 406-848-1762
Time Zone: GMT-7: Mountain Standard Time

Grades 11-12: Conversation in French

Description:Wanting to collaborate with another class that would be willing to do it in French. We are trying to get ready for the IB orals and would like to have another K12 class to converse with. This would be general information sharing, learn about each other, schools, communities, etc.
Dates:Trying to do it between now and April, if possible. EST
Sign up method:Exploding Collaboration
Grades:11, 12, Undergrad
Subjects:Language Arts/English

Ruth Anderson
Phone: 252-527-8067
Cell: 252-361-9758
Time Zone: GMT-5: Eastern Standard Time

Grades 9-12: After School- Interactive Conferences

Description:Are you looking for an interactive conference after school?
Do you need to have a debate, mock trial, non verbal communication conferences?

Would you like make a difference, be the difference, and provide the difference for another like minded school. If so- then join the crowd of people who are looking to technology to help your student's future today.

Time is wasting- contact us now and we can set up opportunities today. Why wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. Join today
Sign up method:Exploding Collaboration
Grades:9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects:Business, Career Education, Family & Consumer Science, Fine Arts, Health, Language Arts/English, Performing Arts, Social Studies/History, World Language

Michael Cunningham
Phone: 512-386-3231
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grade 1: Weather Comparison

Description:My 1st grade class would like to compare weather trends with another class outside of Kansas. Our discussion will include graphs each has made of daily temperatures and clothing decisions base on that data.
Dates:Between Mar 28 and April 1st from 8:45-9:30 CDT and between April 25 and April 29 8:45-9:30CDT
Sign up method:Exploding Collaboration
Subjects:Elementary All Subjects

Helen Gregg
Phone: 785-309-4757
Cell: 785-820-1187
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grades K-6: Ohio Natives

Content Provider The Toledo Zoo
Contact Information Trish Barone and/or Linda Calcamuggio
2 Hippo Way
Toledo, OH 43614
United States
Phone: (419) 385-5721 ext. 2082
Fax: (419) 389-8670
Program Type Individual Program
Program Rating This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Maximum Number of Participants 30
Minimum Number of Participants 1
Primary Disciplines Sciences, Social Studies/History
Program Description We will explore what it means to be a "native". We will do 2 experiments that pertain to groundhogs and screech owls, 2 Ohio native animals. We will have "live" animals visitors.
Program Format 1. We will explore what it means to be a "native".
2. We will do 2 experiments; they pertain to groundhogs and screech owls.
3. We will discuss how invasive species can be detrimental to natives.
4. We will have "live" animals visitors.
Objectives Students will understand the difference between native species and non-native/invasive species
Students will be introduced to "official" Ohio plant and animals representatives
Students will engage in 2 experiments
National Standards to which this program aligns •NS.K-4.3 LIFE SCIENCE Understand the basic needs of all living organisms: air; food; water; habitat
•Understand that organisms live in specific environments/conditions
State/Regional Standards to which this program aligns OHIO STANDARD: LIFE SCIENCE
Benchmark B: Explain how organisms function and interact with their physical environment.

Benchmark C: Compare changes in an organism’s ecosystem/habitat
Program Length 1 hour, unless otherwise requested
By Request This program is available by request ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees Interactive Cost: $85.00
By Request Cost: $85.00
Program Fee Notes Sites need to connect to The Toledo Zoo in a TEST call prior to the scheduled program. If no TEST call was made, the full fee will be charged to sites that cannot connect at program time. Our registration form cites all necessary TEST call information.
Cancellation Policy If you need to cancel/change a scheduled program, please notify The Toledo Zoo ASAP. Failure to do so will result in the full program fee will being charged.
Is recording allowed? No
The Provider broadcasts over IP
Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider Schools need to dial into The Toledo Zoo's IP address. You will need to register for the desired session at least 2 weeks ahead.

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