Grades 11-12: Siddhartha - Cultural discussion

Description:My senior class has just finished reading Interpreter of Maladies by Jumpha Lahiri and will be starting Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. I would like to have a literature / history / culture discussion with another group of students that are reading the same text and can add cultural perspective to customs, beliefs, etc. My preference would be to find a connect with classes who could provide this type of perspective to rural students here. The purpose of the discussion would hopefully be driven by the idea of "deconstructing cultural myths and examining literature through varying cultural lenses"
Sign up method:Exploding Collaboration
Grades:11, 12
Subjects:Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History
Outcomes:deconstructing cultural myths and examining literature through varying cultural lenses
Preparation Time Frame:You will need a few class periods prior to the connection to prepare your presentation and a 45-60 minute videoconference.
Methods and Activities:Preparation: Have students read texts and research cultural norms & beliefs.
Responsibilities:Students will participate in discussions guided by teachers.
Agenda:Agenda: 45 minutes (depending on class periods of participating classes)

5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.
Visuals: Use the document camera or PowerPoint to share a few pictures of local interest.

15 min. Share Your Stance. Each student/group briefly shares their stance on the topic.
Visuals: Illustrations enhance the experience if there is time.

25-40 min. Discussion. Students from each class take turns discussing the issue. Students should include supporting facts and details from their research in all comments that they make. Participating classes may wish to assign a student facilitator for each class to assist in the flow of discussion.

5 min. Debrief and Conclusion. After the discussion, teachers may wish to debrief and comment on the process and content/curriculum discussed. If time is available, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations.

Rob Reynolds
Phone: 406-297-5628
Cell: 406-848-1762
Time Zone: GMT-7: Mountain Standard Time