Grades K-12: FREE Content

Civil Rights: A Global Perspective - Target Audience Grades 6-8 (ages 11-14)

This program from Northern Ireland will investigate Civil Rights in a range of national contexts. These will include Civil Rights in United States, Northern Ireland, Spain and in Palestine. We wish our students to gain a wider perspective of the development of, and promotion of, Civil Rights in a range of National Contexts.

Titanic 100 Years 1911-2011 - Target Audience Grades 6-12 (ages11-18) Where and how was the Titanic built? What characteristics did the passengers show when the most famous ship of them all sank? This program will celebrate the building of the Titanic 100 years ago and shed some light on some of the famous passengers. Meet the chair of the Belfast Titanic Society. Learn about the famous passengers. Take a quiz on Titanic facts. This is a JOINT effort between PITTSBURGH and BELFAST! We hope you enjoy our pioneering voyage!

Ike and Katrina...Rolling, Rolling, Rolling into Houston - Target Audience Grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) Hurricanes Ike and Katrina wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast. In Houston, our lives were disrupted at school, work and home. As we present the science behind these natural disasters, we'd like to share some up close and personal stories of how we were affected...and for some of us they were life changing events.

HOG WILD OR WILD HOGS! Target Audience Grades 1-3 (ages 6-9) Feral Hogs (Wild Hogs): These wild and wooly pigs have turned the tables on the big bad wolf and other species. Their growing population has made these animals a nuisance to farmers and ranchers, and have even posed a threat to urban areas. Join us as we learn about Wild Hogs!

18th & Vine: Jazz, Baseball, and the diversity of Kansas City - Target Audience Grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) Kansas City was the center of the Jazz Age in the United States. They also were the central hub of the United Negro Baseball League. Participants will explore the historic 18th & Vine district and learn about the role of Kansas City in the golden age of Jazz and the height of the United Negro Baseball League.

The Spanish in South Carolina: Unsettled Frontier - Target Audience Grades 6-12 (ages11-18) Spanish class or Spanish Speaking Audience Students will explain how the Spanish settlement occurred in South Carolina by presenting facts, stories and documents. This program will be delivered in Spanish only.

Congaree Swamp National Park - Target Audience Grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) South Carolina science students will research and portray a local national landmark, the Congaree Swamp National Park. Students will describe the park's history from the grassroots movement in the 1970s to preserve it; to its classification as a National Park in 2003. Students will showcase the ecosystem of the largest tract of old growth bottomland hardwood forest left in the United States.

Anna Explores the Butterfield Overland Trail 1857-1861 - Target Audience K – Grade 2 (ages 5-8) Travel back in time to experience the Old West. From the adventures of Anna The Explorer, board a stagecoach and learn the history, rules and dangers along the Butterfield Overland Trail.

The Ghost Town of Belle Plain - Target Audience Grades 2-4 (ages 7-10) Put yourself in a long-ago day before there was electricity, automobiles or even paved roads. When settlers were first moving into the western frontier of Texas, the community of Belle Plain showed great promise for a successful, thriving future. The cattle drives were coming through, the railroad would soon be bringing prosperity and folks were coming from all over to put down roots in this bustling community. But what went wrong? Why is the only thing left of Belle Plain today a crumbling 3-story ruin, an old cemetery and a wide-open mesquite prairie grazed by cattle? Explore with us the ups and downs in the history of Belle Plain, TX.

Goig Hog Wild - Target Audience Grades 3-4 (ages 8-10) Wild hogs are taking over the ranches and farms in our area. They are destroying fences and crops. They have become a very expensive community problem.

Bev Mattocks

Consultant / Project Manager

Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC)

Transforming Learning Through Collaborative Technologies


251 E. Ohio Street, Suite 960

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