Grades 3-8: Good Things Come in Trees

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Content Provider Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada) 2007-08 Honorable Mention, 2008-09 Honorable Mention, 2009-10
Contact Information Karin Davidson-Taylor
Royal Botanical Gardens
680 Plains Road West
Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7T 4H4
Phone: 905-527-1158 x249
Fax: 905-577-0375
Program Type Individual Program
Program Rating This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Adult Learners, Public Library: Library Patrons
Maximum Number of Participants 35
Minimum Number of Participants 5
Primary Disciplines Sciences
Secondary Disciplines Social Studies/History
Program Description Can you imagine your life without plants? Plants form the basic food staple for all life forms. They are the major source of food and oxygen on earth, since no animal can supply these necessary components without plants. Discover what parts of the plant we use and for what. We'll review these parts and explore how humans depend on plants directly and indirectly to create everything from things that we need to live such as food and clothes to the aesthetic use of plants.
Program Format 1. Discuss what plants the students have eaten today.
Objectives - explore and appreciate how important plants are for our food, clothing, shelter and medicine
- describe ways that plants and animals are dependent on each other
- list the parts of the plant and an example of something that we get from that part
National Standards to which this program aligns NSS 5-8.C.3:
• All animals (including humans) depend on plants
• Humans depend on their natural and constructed environments.
State/Regional Standards to which this program aligns Ontario
Grade 3: Growth and Changes in Plants
• Plants are a primary source of food for humans
• Humans need to protect plants and their habitats
• Plants are important to the planet
o Describe ways in which humans from various cultures, including Aboriginal people, use plants for food, shelter, medicine and clothing.
o Describe ways in which plants and animals depend on each other.
Program Length 45 minutes
By Request This program is available by request ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees Interactive Cost: $125.00
Cancellation Policy We will not charge for programs cancelled due to nature i.e., snow days.
Is recording allowed? No
The Provider broadcasts over IP

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