Grades 10-11: Holocaust and more/ Night by Eli Weisel

Description:High School in NC, 10th grade English class wants to collaborate with another high school of Jewish origin, in Israel, Germany, Poland, Denmark,or France, etc. \r\nTo discuss aspects of the Holocaust along with being Jewish: heritage versus religion, etc. \r\nWe have just finished the book Night and would like to use that as our reference point. We are an urban/rural school in North Carolina and we would like to have a \"round table \"discussion on this topic. \r\nPlease contact us directly. We are very excited to be a part of something like this. We are looking to connect to one school so we can have a very active discussion. WE are interested in the sharing of information and life experiences to help us better understand the world then, and the world now.\r\n\r\n
Dates:We would like it between March 10-March 18. at 1:15 pm-2:15 pm EST.
Sign up method:Exploding Collaboration
Grades:10, 11
Subjects:Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History
Outcomes:Hoping to understand and expand our knowledge base.
Preparation Time Frame:It would be nice to make use of the hour by being as prepared as possible.
Methods and Activities:Preparation: Have students read and research the various sides of the issue and decide on their personal stance on the topic. Decide how to have students present their stance. Assign tasks and involve as many of your students as possible. I would like this to be strong on the style of\r\n\"discussion\" so that both sides can share and discuss.
Responsibilities:This will be an open forum, with respect to one another.
Agenda:Agenda: 50-70 minutes (depending on class periods of participating classes)\r\n\r\n5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.\r\nVisuals: Use the document camera or PowerPoint to share a few pictures of local interest.\r\n\r\n15 min. Share Your Stance. Each student/group briefly shares their stance on the topic. \r\n\r\n25-40 min. Discussion. Students from each class take turns discussing the issue. Students should include supporting facts and details from their research in all comments that they make. Participating classes may wish to assign a student facilitator for each class to assist in the flow of discussion.\r\n\r\n5 min. Debrief and Conclusion. After the discussion, teachers may wish to debrief and comment on the process and content/curriculum discussed. If time is available, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations.
Other:We just want to try something that this school has never tried before. Hoping to make our students realize that their \"front door\" is not the end of the block. Trying to make our students ready to critically think, analyze and determine their own beliefs by exposing them to the outside world. So to speak!

Ruth Anderson
Phone: 252-527-8067
Cell: 252-361-9758
Time Zone: GMT-5: Eastern Standard Time