Grades K-6: Buoyancy and you!

Buoyancy and You is a program that is specifically designed to meet the challenges of teaching young learners about buoyancy, density and scientific inquiry. By working with our diver/teachers and having the ability to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions, your students will experience these topics in ways long remembered.
New York State MST Learning Standards

K.R.3 Use objects to show and understand physical phenomena (e.g., guess the number of cookies in a package)

K.R.4 Use objects to show and understand social phenomena (e.g., count and represent sharing cookies between friends)

K.R.5 Use objects to show and understand mathematical phenomena (e.g., draw pictures to show a story problem, show number value using fingers on your hand)

Use representations to support mathematical ideas

4.RP.2 Determine whether a mathematical statement is true or false and explain why
5.PS.10 Work in collaboration with others to solve problems
5.PS.11 Translate from a picture/diagram to a number or symbolic expression.
Use trial and error and the process of elimination to solve problems

5.PS.13 Model problems with pictures/diagrams or physical objects
5.PS.14 Analyze problems by observing patterns
5.PS.15 Make organized lists or charts to solve numerical problems
45 minutes for content presentation and 15 minutes for questions and answers
This program is available by request ONLY
This is a "live" underwater experience and 2 conferences must be requested to provide this program.
Interactive Cost: $265.00
View Only Cost: $200.00
Point to Point Cost: $265.00
By Request Cost: $265.00

Kansas... More than Flatlands and Dorothy The Service Center @ Clearwater Debbie Ives 13939 Diagonal Road Clearwater, KS 67026 United States Phone: (620) 584-3300 ext. 115 Fax: (620) 584-3307 Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5