Grades K-2: Gingerbread Boy

NEW SCENERY MAKES THIS SHADOW PLAY PERFORMANCE EVEN MORE COLORFUL AND FUN! Students look at The Run Away Rice Cake, The Musubi Man, The Gingerbread Baby) and compare the characters and stories. The original shadow puppet play retells the traditional story-- complete w/the fox. Students learn about the ingredients of gingerbread & whip up their own recipe through a kinesthetic activity and hands-on puppet building lesson. Great for Language Arts and a great holiday theme!

Want to book another topic? No problem!! We book on demand, so visit our website to see all of program offerings (Exploring Africa, Tropical Rain Forest, Spiders, Plants, Discovering Puppetry in Other Cultures, Dinosaurs, Butterflies, Anansi the Spider: A West African Folktale, Africa (Mali), & more!!!!!!!!!!

The Distance Learning Team
Center for Puppetry Arts
Patty Petrey Dees, DL Program Director
Sara Burmenko, DL Program Operations Coordinator
Iyabo Shabazz, DL Program Presentation Specialist
Eve Krueger, DL Program Presenter/Assistant

Direct studio line: 404-881-5117
1404 Spring Street, NW at 18th
Atlanta, GA 30309-2820 USA
Facsimile: 404.873.9907
Headquarters of UNIMA-USA
Member of Theatre Communications Group & Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts