Grades K-12: Meet The Medieval King: Alfred The Great - Hammer of the Vikings

Program Flyer: Meet The Medieval King: Alfred The Great - Hammer of the Vikings
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Content Provider

The Sheffield Museum of Rural Life (Canada)
Contact Information

Marty Pullinshefmuseum@gto.net1139 Settlers RoadSheffield, Ontario L0R 1Z0CanadaPhone:
Target Audience

Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Public Library: Library Patrons
Program Description
Visit with King Alfred The Great, live from his throne in the Kingdom of Wessex (pre-England). "King Alfred" will stay in character throughout the session, but in reality he is a historian who has done a great deal of research into the life and times of this amazing king. If desired by the teacher, he can come out of character at the end of the session to answer questions from a modern perspective.Amongst other topics, King Alfred can discuss kingship, law and order, Viking warfare, daily life, religion, and castles. In addition to showing artifacts and answering questions, King Alfred can teach the students a medieval dance and play live music.King Alfred ruled during a time that was still characterized by the chaos and instability that followed the collapse of imperial Rome. At the same time, King Alfred worked hard to take what was best from Rome and combine it with Germanic traditions into a well-ordered and enlightened society.
Program Format
1. The presentations begins with King Alfred introducing himself, and telling a bit about his life.2. Students are invited to ask him any questions they would like to ask, and the king shapes his answers to ensure that the major facets of medieval kingship get covered. Artifacts are used to help explain whenever possible.3. If desired by the teacher, the king will teach the students a traditional dance, and will then play live music for them while they dance.4. The remaining time is for final questions.
-The participant will interview a medieval king-The participant will engage in a discussion of medieval kingship and government-The participant may learn a medieval dance-The participant will listen to live medieval music-The participant will explore the nature of Dark Age Europe
Program Length
60 minutes
By Request
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

By Request/On Demand Cost: $100.00
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Program Fee Notes

Since we are in Canada, the price may need to be modified, depending on the current exchange rate.
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