Grades 6-12: MAGPI Fall Programming

Our fall programs are now posted and registration is open! For full program descriptions, please go to: Here are a few of our October and November opportunities… unless noted, programs require MAGPI connectivity and H.323 videoconferencing capabilities.

Brain Awareness: What is Neuroscience? (Grades 6-8)October-November 2008
A project from the University of Scranton! Neuroscience is an important and vibrant area of science that is quickly expanding, yet many, especially our youth, have no awareness of it. Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nervous system. Answers are being sought for questions such as: What is the mind? Why do we feel emotions? How do we learn and remember? What are the underlying causes of neurological disorders? Through this interactive program your students can learn more about the fascinating world of neuroscience! More information:
Global Passport: Moving the World Toward Achieving Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation for All Project Dates and Times:
· Global Passport Kick-Off Videoconference: Understanding the Global Water Crisis Friday, October 24, 2008 * 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET
· Teacher Workshop: Working with your students to launch a clean water action planFriday, January 23, 2009 * Time TBD
· World Water Day Presentations: This is How WE Took Action Friday, March 20, 2008 * 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET
Target Grade Levels: Students in Grades 9-12
One of the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals agreed upon by the world’s countries and leading development institutions is to reduce by half the number of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by the year 2015. This year-long program will introduce students to the facts about the world water crisis, allow students to investigate and support various water-related projects, take an active role in moving the world toward the millennium goal and publicize their efforts through a video collaboration.
The project kicks off on UN Day, with an interactive videoconference featuring an engaging panel of experts that will challenge and motivate students. Following the kick-off, students will begin their own research into issues surrounding clean water in various parts of the world and select projects they would like to support. Mid-way through the project, teachers will attend a virtual professional development event with Fairmount Waterworks Interpretative Center staff that will help them support their students in their clean water action projects and video development projects. Following the implementation of their projects, students will produce a video highlighting their efforts and share their projects in a culminating videoconference on World
Water Day in May.
More information:
Inner World Discovery
Date: October 10, 2008
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. ET
Target Grade Levels: 9-12Designed by Riddle Hospital emergency room doctor Phillip Silverstein, the “Inner World Discovery” program is a multimedia journey through the human body. With Dr. Silverstein as their guide, students participating in this session will experience the wonder, intricacies and elegance of the human body’s immune system. This interactive videoconference presentation will make the complexities of understanding the immune system accessible to students and will make real the devastating effects of HIV. This program is scaled for high school and community college classes. More information:
Masks and Movement (Grades K-8)
Date: November 11 , 2008
Times/Grade Levels:
Grades K-2: 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. ETGrades 3-5: 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ETGrades 6-8: 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. ET
Participants are shown a series of painted masks in various emotions and asked to pick the mask that attracts their attention. Each is given the opportunity to manifest the emotion that the mask embodies, which becomes a revelation of invisible feelings. The communication as each participant reveals their issue of feeling bonds the group into a new relationship. The exercise teaches how to objectify a subjective emotion and attain an art form and communication with peers. Participants’ differences are brought into harmonious relativity. This project is brought to you by ArcheDream.
Stand Up. Speak Out. Lend a Hand!
Open to National Participation
Project Dates/Times:
Kick-off Videoconference Event with Gerda Weissmann KleinTuesday, December 2, 2008 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET Service Learning Projects: December 3 - March 2 Wrap-Up Videoconference/Project Collage Event: Tuesday, March 3, 20091:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET
Target Grade Levels: 7-12; Higher Education
Requirements for Participation: There are two ways to participate in this project!
Interactive Videoconference Participants: Must have H.323 videoconferencing capabilities and be on the MAGPI and/or Internet2 networks
Webstream Participants: Must have an internet connection and Quicktime v. 6 or older and/or Windows Media Player
What happens when students get a first-hand view of the Holocaust, investigate the historical issues surrounding it, and then turn a critical lens on social issues in their own communities? Students involved STAND UP. SPEAK OUT. LEND A HAND, will hear from Holocaust Survivor and world-renowned speaker Gerda Weissmann Klein during a special interactive videoconference event. Following the multi-site event, students will embark upon their own four month service learning projects. Each participating school will be tasked with designing and implementing a service learning project that combats social issues in their community. At the conclusion of the three month challenge, all students involved in the project will meet via interactive videoconference to share their projects with Mrs. Klein during a "collaboration collage" special event. This project is being offered through partnership with the Gerda and Kurt Klein Foundation. More information:
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Heather Weisse Walsh
Applications Coordinator
3401 Walnut Street, Suite 233A
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
Phone: 215-573-6417