U. S. Constitution Videoconference with ECOESC

Join the ECOESC as we present a 45 minute interactive videoconference about our Nation’s most important document, the United States Constitution. We will learn about how our government was created and the set of rules that we live by. Students will learn about the three functions of government by sorting tasks into executive, judicial, and legislative groups.

It's important to study the Constitution in school to know and understand a little about our government, because we live in a democracy that everybody has to participate in. It's even more important to understand that the Constitution is very much alive today and it affects our lives every day and it affects kids' lives every day.

It's not just a historical kind of a dry, boring subject in school. This is something that affects us every time we go to church or read the paper or we talk on the telephone, or we go on the computer. The Constitution is, in an indirect way, setting the guidelines for a lot of those activities that are really important to us.

This session is provided any time throughout the year

LACA - $65.00
All Others - $75.00

This session is a 45 minute session offered on demand.
This session is written for 4th and 5th grade students.
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