8-12: Upcoming Programs from MAGPI

Upcoming MAGPI Programs for Grades 7-12
(Please see note about our new registration system below!)

Global Passport to Clean Water
A Collaboration with the Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center and the Global Water Initiative
Grades 9-12
More Information/Registration: http://www.magpi.net/Community/Programs/Global-Passport-Clean-Water
• Kick-Off Videoconference
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 * 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
• Teacher Professional Development Videoconference
Wednesday, November 19, 2009 * 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
• World Water Day Videoconference
Monday, March 22, 2010 * 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
One of the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals agreed upon by the world’s countries and leading development institutions is to reduce by half the number of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by the year 2015. This six month program will introduce students to the facts about the world water crisis, allow students to investigate and support various water-related projects, take an active role in moving the world toward the millennium goal and publicize their efforts through a media project video collaboration.

The project kicks off in celebration of UN Day, with an interactive videoconference featuring an engaging panel of experts that will challenge and motivate students. Following the kick-off, students will begin their own research into issues surrounding clean water, sanitation and hygiene in various parts of the world and select projects they would like to support. Teachers will attend a virtual professional development event with Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center staff that will help them support their students in their clean water action projects and video development projects. To help kick-start their projects, MAGPI and the Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center staff will arrange for an interaction (most likely Skype or live chat) for each school with a water project team overseas. Following the implementation of their projects, students will produce a media project such as a video, podcast or Power Point presentation highlighting their efforts and share their projects in a culminating videoconference on World Water Day in March.

2008 Pew Fellows in Painting Panel Discussion
November 10, 2009 * 1:00pm - 2:15pm
Grades 8-12
More Information/Registration: http://www.magpi.net/Community/Programs/2008-Pew-Fellows-Painting
Artists use a variety of inspirations and techniques to arrive at creating a work of art. In four short films about the 2008 Pew Fellows in painting – Charles Burwell, Matthew Cox, Anne Seidman and Mauro Zamora - students will learn about the influences and sources of material each artist reflects upon within their artistic practices. An interactive discussion with the artists and filmmaker Glenn Holsten will follow the screenings.

2008 Pew Fellows in Playwriting Panel Discussion
November 12, 2009 * 1:00pm - 2:15pm
Grades 8-12
More Information/Registration: http://www.magpi.net/Community/Programs/2008-Pew-Fellows-Playwriting
In four short films about the 2008 Pew Fellows in playwriting – J. Rufus Caleb, Russell Davis, Katharine Clark Gray, Edgar J. Shockley III – students will learn about the artists’ inspirations and ideas for writing their plays. In addition, actors and stage directors along with the playwrights will be seen in readings, rehearsals and performances, providing further insight into the creative process. An interactive discussion with the playwrights and filmmaker Glenn Holsten will follow the screenings.

2008 Pew Fellows in Folk and Traditional Arts Panel Discussion
November 17, 2009 * 1:00pm - 2:15pm
Grades 8-12
More Information/Registration: http://www.magpi.net/Community/Programs/2008-Pew-Fellows-Folk-Traditional-Arts
Students are invited to visit the cultures of Ghana, Ukraine and Cuba to hear the music and see the traditional folk art of these countries. In three short films about the 2008 Pew Fellows in folk and traditional arts – Nana Korantemaa, Vera Nakonechny, Venissa Santí – they will learn about Akan drumming techniques; Ukrainian embroidering, bead-making and weaving; and the musical heritage of Cuba. An interactive discussion with the artists and filmmaker Glenn Holsten will follow the screenings.

About our new registration system!

If you've logged onto the MAGPI website recently, you've noticed that we have a brand new registration system. In order to see program dates and times, you must LOG IN to our website (button is in the upper right-hand corner of the webpage). To log in, you can use your existing MUSE user name and password (if you have one) or simply create a new account. When you create a new account, please note that it will take up to 24 business hours for your account to be approved before you can register for programs.

If you are the TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOR for your school, district or organization, please create a site for your schools, district or organization. Creating a site allows all of your technical information to be stored in MAGPI's database - - alleviating the need to fill in this information each time a teacher registers or require teachers to know this information when registering. After you create your sites, your teachers will be able to simply log into their accounts and select their site when registering. As the creator of the site, you will be considered the site manager and will be copied on all email correspondence to registered teachers.

Even if you've participated in MAGPI programs before, you will need to go through these new steps in order to register for programs.