K-12: FREE Programs from MC*TSG (the restructured Technology Solutions Group)

A new edition of the newsletter known as "District Digest" from the mc*tsg (Technology Solutions Group of the MCOECN) has been posted and is available by clicking here <http://forums.nwoca.org/forums/oecn/dispatch.cgi/techcoord/showFile/100197/d20090107213229/Yes/mc-tsg+district+digest+-+2009_01_07.pdf> .

The mc*tsg is the restructured Technology Solutions Group of the Management Council - Ohio Education Computer Network (MCOECN). The MCOECN acts as a facilitating support agency for the Information Technology Centers (ITC's) and large urban school districts that comprise the Ohio Education Computer Network (OECN). The mc*tsg is a program of the MCOECN that provides leadership and technical assistance to the Ohio K-12 educational community in the design, implementation, and operation of technology solutions in Ohio schools and the ITC's. We believe that the information contained in this periodic newsletter will be of interest to many personnel within Ohio school districts.

This newsletter announcement is Emailed to the superintendent, treasurer, principals, technology coordinators, and librarians at each school district. Please feel free to further disseminate this newsletter announcement to others within your school district.

Duane Baker
Chief Operating Officer
mc*tsg - Technology Solutions Group
Management Council - Ohio Education Computer Network 22-900 State Route 34 Archbold, OH 43502
E: baker@mcoecn.org
V: (419) 267-5612 Ext. 2519
V: (800) 214-OECN Ext. 2519
F: (419) 267-5222