Grade 3: Postcards from Professor Penguin

330.308.9939 x251
Michele Carlisle
330.308.9939 x220
New Video Conference Content Session!
Join Professor Penguin as she helps your students understand the Penguin.
Students will participate in activities while learning about the habitat,
predators, living conditions, and adaptations of penguins. The penguin is a
unique animal in many ways, including how they care for their young, and this
will be covered during the lesson as well as other fun facts about penguins.
Handouts or materials needed will be emailed upon registration for this
program. Other materials will be sent by way of regular mail. There will also be
a group writing activity during this unit.
The content standards are Ohio content standards
aligned to the 3rd grade level, but are adaptable to
other levels, however they are not listed, please keep
that in mind when registering.
Date & time available are on demand. Registration
requests are available on CILC ( or by emailing