Grades 1-12: Upcoming Programs from SOITA

Winter/Spring Schedule

January 21 - Understanding Symbiotic Relationships (offered twice, 10:00 - 10:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)
Subject areas: Life Sciences
Grade levels: 6-10
Description: Organisms require interactions with other living things to survive. Symbiotic relationships are close relationships that occur in nature between two living things. Learn about the types of symbiotic relationships and examples of each.

February 12 - Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln! (offered twice, 10:30 - 11:15 and 2:30 - 3:15)Subject areas: Social Studies
Grade levels: 1, 2
Description: Honest Abe built a reputation of good character long before he became President. This program will explore some of the major highlights of Lincoln's life and why many Americans still regard him as our greatest president 200 years after his birth.

February 12 - The Lincoln Presidency: Beyond Crisis (offered twice, 9:00 - 9:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)
Subject areas: Social Studies Grade levels: 7, 8
Description: 2009 is the Lincoln Bicentennial Year. Our program will focus on the Lincoln presidency and how he coped with the national crisis he inherited. We will examine how leadership skills have no time boundaries and lessons learned during the Civil War have relevance to the presidency and other issues of today.

February 18 - Measuring Up with the Metric System (offered twice, 10:00 - 10:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)
Subject area: Measurement Grade levels: 4, 5
Description: Students will explore benchmark items for measures of length in the metric system, learn an easy way to remember metric measurements and perform some conversions of length within the metric system.

February 20 - Study Smarter with Your iPod and iTunes (offered twice, 10:00 - 10:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)
Subject areas: Technology Integration & Study Skills
Grade levels: 7-12
Description: Review class content anytime, anywhere by putting it on your iPod! Learn how to create and manage class notes on this useful handheld device. Students will also learn about accessory recorders for the iPod, making mobile recording practical and easy. Features discussed are not compatible with the iPod Shuffle. This program was also offered in fall, 2008.

March 4 - Kids Rock! A Look at Rocks and Minerals (offered twice, 10:00 - 10:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)
Subject area: Rocks and Minerals
Grade levels: 3-5
Description: Want to learn some fun facts about rocks and minerals? In this session students will make observations about different types of rocks, understand the process of weathering and erosion, and learn about the rock cycle. This program was also offered in fall, 2008.

March 20 - Laugh Out Loud with Idioms (offered twice, 10:00 - 10:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)
Subject area: English Language Arts Grade levels: 1-3
Description: Students will encounter idiomatic expressions sprinkled throughout both written and spoken language. Idioms can be wonderful vocabulary-enriching tools as students are made aware of both the figurative and literal meanings behind them. Students will get a chuckle as they see how the literal meaning creates a very different picture from the figurative message. This program was also offered in fall, 2008.

March 25 - Sound: Here, There, and Everywhere! (offered twice, 10:00 - 10:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)Subject area: Sound
Grade levels: 4, 5
Description: How does sound travel from the explosion of a cannon to our ears? Why is it that different strings on a guitar produce sounds higher and lower in pitch? In this session students will observe several experiments demonstrating the properties of sound and make their own observations concerning the transmission, reflection, and absorption of sound as well as how changing the rate of vibration can vary the pitch of a sound. This program was also offered in fall, 2008.

April 22 - Life Cycles of Plants and Animals (offered twice, 10:00 - 10:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)Subject areas: Science, Life Cycles
Grade levels: 3, 4
Description: Have you ever wondered how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly? Or why plants produce so many kinds of seeds? During this session students will learn about the life cycles of several animals including frogs and butterflies. We will also discuss the life cycles of plants including germination, maturity, reproduction, and death.

May 6 - Learning to Draw Conclusions (offered twice, 10:00 - 10:45 and 1:00 - 1:45)
Subject area: English Language Arts
Grade level: 2, 3 Description: Drawing conclusions can be like trying to solve a mystery. Making conclusions about what is likely to happen in a story is a skill that will help students become more analytical. It can also heighten the students' interest in stories as they become eager to find out if their predictions are correct. Join us as we become detectives trying to figure out what might happen next!

1. Questions? Contact Bob Stricker at

2. Cost: each session is $50; space is limited. Registrations are taken on first-come basis.

3. Click here for the Registration Form.

4. For more information and listing of Ohio Academic Content Standards, click here.

5. Want to place a test call to SOITA? Dial