Grades 4-9 Constellations: Stories of the Stars with Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum

How are art and astronomy intertwined? How has the depiction of the night sky changed over time? Why is it important to create collections for history, for art, and for science? These are questions that your students will be able to answer after exploring the collection at the Adler. From exploring the current night sky in your area to learning from an Adler historian about how people have looked to the sky for thousands of years and back again to how modern astronomers explore the universe, this program will connect your students? interest in the arts to both astronomy and history. Join us for an artistic adventure through time and space!

Interactive Cost: $125.00

Katie Peterson
1300 South Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: (312) 322-0333
Fax: (312) 322-9181