Grades 5-12: African Americans in Politics

THURSDAY, February 28, 2008 - “African Americans in Politics”
(stories of Shirley Chisholm, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Barack Obama)

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Series: Black History Month
Presenter: Dr. Tiffany Patterson, Vanderbilt University Associate Professor,
African American Diaspora Studies

Date: THURSDAY, February 28, 2008
Target Audience: Students in grades 5 -12
Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time zone)
Format: 45-minutes segmented into 30-minute presentation and 15-20 minute Q & A
Cost: $75 per site
Registration: Register online at
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email Chandra at


A black and white world. Signs of hope. Determination. A changing world. Civil rights champions.
Living legacies. The passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 served as a catalyst for significant change in
both the American legal and moral landscape. The focus of this videoconference is on the stories of these
four African Americans from 1968 until today.

Come and join this videoconference and explore the lives of these prominent African American politicians
who have served America through public service:

1) Shirley Chisholm: the first African American woman elected to the United States Congress

2) Colin Powell: a four-star general and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he was the first African
American Secretary of State

3) Condoleezza Rice: national security adviser and the first African American woman Secretary of State

4) Barack Obama: the only African American currently serving in the U.S. Senate; and
currently pursuing a presidential bid in 2008

Register online at

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Patsy Partin, M.Ed
Director, Virtual School
Vanderbilt University
2007 Terrace Place
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 322-6384
