FREE: Grades 2-9 Snake, Rattle, and Stand Still!

To help educate Texas students, Mr. David Sager, Mr. Dennis Cumbie, and Mr. Jody Gray from the Sweetwater Jaycees, will visit with Texas students concerning the rattlesnake’s habitat, characteristics, life cycle, different species, research, safety, and emergency medical treatment if bitten. During the program live rattlesnakes will be used to demonstrate striking distance and venom milking. Selected sites across the state will have the opportunity to participate in live Q & A with the rattlesnake handlers.

Snake, Rattle, and Stand Still! by Sweetwater ISD, the Sweetwater Jaycees, and Education Service Center Region 14

February 29, 2008
9:00 - 9:45 AM for Elementary Students
10:00 - 10:45 AM for Secondary Students

Most sites will be "view only"!
Texas Schools: Offered FREE for all districts connected to an Education Service Center's videoconferencing network.
Out-of-State Schools: Offered FREE.