Grades 1-12: Kitchen Cabinet Science

Program Flyer: Kitchen Cabinet Science
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Content Provider
National Science Center

Contact Information
Rebecca Ussery

One 7th Street

Augusta, GA 30901

United StatesPhone: (706) 821-0222 Fax: (706) 821-0250

Program Type
Individual Program

Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.

Target Audience
Education: Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Primary Disciplines

Program Description
We will explore the science of "air pressure" using cola cans, hard-boiled eggs, candles, water and carafes. Newton's Laws of Motion, the effects of air pressure on various objects, and the three states of matter (solids, liquids & gases) will be demonstrated using cola bottles, pens and sewing hoops. Discover the magic of surface tension by using picture frame glass and water. Also, we will demonstrate the properties of thermodynamics-dynamics using balloons; elasticity using needles, baggies, balloons and racquetballs; and elasticity using hands and balloons.
Program Format

1. A Scientific Method counter intuitive demo2. Inertia: Newton's 1st Law of Motion3. Centripetal Force 4. Air Pressure5. Air Pressure and Surface Tension, A Pane-ful Bond 6. Altering the states of matter

1. To explain how the scientific method works 2. To demonstrate Newton's 1st Law of Motion, Inertia, by balancing a wooden sewing hoop atop a soda bottle, then balancing a flat-bottomed writing pen atop the sewing hoop and dropping the pen in the bottle by removing the hoop. 3. To demonstrate centripetal force by defying gravity.4. To demonstrate what the effects of air pressure (14.6 lbs. per sq. inch) have on various objects 5. To demonstrate the effects of how both surface tension (hydrogen bonding) and air pressure can lift objects. 6. To demonstrate how states of matter can change under the effects of cooling.
National Standards to which this program aligns

Middle School Content Standard - B.1.2 & B.2.1

Program Length
50 Minutes

By Request
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY

Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
Interactive Cost: $140.00

Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more! Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge

Program Fee Notes

If you are a Georgia site, the fee is $130.00

Cancellation Policy

Please cancel at least 5 days prior to the program date to allow another class to participate. If you must cancel your participation in a previously scheduled program, your Site Coordinator should contact the Distance Learning Coordinator at the NSC.

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