Grades 1-12: I'm All Charged Up!


Program Flyer: I'm All Charged Up
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Content Provider
National Science Center

Contact Information
Rebecca Ussery
One 7th Street
Augusta, GA 30901
United States
Phone: (706) 821-0222 Fax: (706) 821-0250

Program Type
Individual Program

Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.

Target Audience
Education: Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Primary Disciplines

Program Description
Student can participate in demonstrations: static electricity, parallel and series circuits, and how to make a galvanometer and a rheostat (a dimmer). If you would like to perform some of the demonstrations with us, contact our Program Manager for instructions.

Program Format
1. Static Electricity Generator2. Rug Power3. What Causes Lightning? 4. Make An Electromagnet 5. The Electric Circuit 6. The Electric Lemon7. Connect Series Circuits8. Connect Parallel Circuits9. What is a Short Circuit?10. Build a Galvanometer11. Create electricity with a Magnet12. Make a Rheostat (light dimmer)13. Build Your Own Telegraph Machine14. The Induction Coil15. A Plasma Ball At Work16. Standing Hair

1. To illustrate how charged particles exert force on one another and how a charge builds up. 2. To illustrate how charged particles exert force on one another and how a charge builds up. 3. To explore how a spark occurs when a violently strong charge jumps from one object to another.4. To demonstrate how the flow of electrical current generates magnetism. 5. To describe and illustrate the basic components of an electric circuit. 6. To demonstrate how chemical fuel in a battery makes electrical energy. 7. To demonstrate the path that current takes through a series circuit. 8. To demonstrate the path that electricity takes through parallel circuits. 9. To explore the behavior of electricity when it takes the shortest and easiest path. 10. To illustrate how electric current can be detected using simple devices. 11. To demonstrate how electricity is produced by moving a magnet across a circuit wire. 12. To illustrate and explore how a device is developed to vary the amount of electricity flowing through a circuit. 13. To illustrate how the machine is designed and to measure its accuracy using the Morse code system. 14. To illustrate the principle of electromagnetic induction and how a transformer works. 15. To illustrate the fourth state of matter and how a transformer affects the movement of plasma. 16. To illustrate repulsion, attraction and other properties of static electricity.
National Standards to which this program aligns
Middle School Content Standard - B.3.1 and B.3.4
Program Length
50 minutes

By Request
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
Interactive Cost: $140.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Program Fee Notes
If you are a Georgia site, the fee is $130.00
Cancellation Policy
If you must cancel your participation in a previously scheduled program, your Site Coordinator should contact the Distance Learning Coordinator at the NSC. Please cancel at least 5 days prior to the program date to allow another class to participate.
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