Grades: 6-12 How Animals are Used in Research

Eli Lilly and Company Distance Learning Programs

Feburary 21 from 1 - 2 pm
Enrollment Deadline: Febrary 8

Program Description
Students will learn the when, how, and why a pharmaceutical company like Lilly uses animals in its research, and the challenges and benefits of animal research. Intertwined in the discussion students will also better understand the process of discovering and developing new medicines. The session will include common equipment, animal models, and prepared slides. For additional information on this event, contact Meghan Johnson, Eli Lilly and Company, 317-277-7215(

Enroll at
There is NO PROGRAM FEE. However, participating sites are responsible for their own line charges to connect.

National Standards have been applied to Lilly’s distance learning programs.

For more details, please refer to the web site or contact Meghan Johnson at 317-277-7215 or email at