Grades: 8-12 Forensic Computing: The Intersection of Law and Technology

COSI Columbus

Electronic Education
333 West Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215
United StatesPhone: (614) 819-2674 ext. 0
Fax: (614) 228-6363

Education: Grade(s): 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Career Education, Economics/Business, Problem Solving, Sciences, Technology/Information Science

The nightmare began when local and state police broke through the front door of the suburban home of a doctor and his family in a pre-dawn raid. Police analyzed the computer used by the doctor's seventeen-year-old son, an honors student halfway through his senior year of high school. This led to charges against the boy of four felonies and a misdemeanor. Father and son discussed the situation and vowed not to bow to pressure to enter into a plea bargain requiring the boy to admit guilt in a crime he did not commit. This is the story of how forensic computer analysis of the son's machine led the prosecutor to drop the charges and expunge the boy's record.Forensic computer scientist, Matt Curtin, performed the analysis and prepared expert testimony for the court. He is the founder of Interhack Corporation, a pioneering forensic computing and information assurance firm based in Columbus, Ohio.
Program Format

- Introduction of the expert- Presentation by the expert (format varies, usually about 20-30 minutes in length)- Student discussion and Q&A with the expert, in a round-robin fashion through all the schools connected

By participating in this program, students will:- be exposed to science and technology applications in the real world- face a challenge that scientists have- explore various career paths in science and technology- learn what they want to know about science and technology fields by directing questions at experts
National Standards to which this program aligns

Specifics vary according to program.Science content standards for grades 5-8:A. Understandings about scientific inquiryE. Understandings about science and technologyF. Science and technology in societyG. Science as a human endeavor, and the nature of science.Science content standards for grades 9-12:A. Understandings about scientific inquiryE. Understandings about science and technologyF. Science and technology in local, national, and global challengesG. Science as a human endeavor and the nature of scientific knowledge
Program Length

60 minutes
All times below are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, as specified by the Content Provider. To view times in your time zone, login or create a profile.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
12:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

Interactive Cost: $145.00
Premium Members enjoy many additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Cancellation Policy

We ask that anyone making a reservation please check school calendars for holidays, professional development days and testing dates. We also ask that the person making the reservation please coordinate with teachers, technical coordinators, bridges and other interested parties prior to submitting the request. COSI will retain a $25 processing fee for ALL reservations and test connections: the processing fee and test connection are included in the price of the program. If you need to cancel a reservation, you must reschedule your program two weeks prior to the show. COSI will reschedule your program or test connection one time before an additional $25 rescheduling fee is added to the price. This $25 rescheduling fee applies to both program and test connections and will be added every time a schedule change is made beyond the first reschedule. COSI understands the occasional need to reschedule programs due to changing schedules, inclement weather or technical difficulties. However, COSI begins to commit time and resources to a program the moment a reservation is received. COSI strongly recommends performing a test connection at least 2 days prior to the event. The school has the right to cancel any program the day of the test if a successful connection cannot be made and COSI will refund all but the $25 processing fee. If a school declines the test connection, or reschedules the program or test connection within the two-week period, COSI reserves the right to charge the full dollar amount for the program.
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The Provider broadcasts over ISDN Minimum Broadcast Speed: 128 K Maximum Broadcast Speed: 512 KIP
Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider

We require ISDN schools to dial into us. However, we can dial out to the schools and reverse line charges if special arrangements are made. We strongly recommend a connection speed of 384 or higher.