Gr 2-6 Colours in Nature

We’ll start with animals and determine exactly what they are trying to ‘say’ with the colour of their feathers, fur, skin or scales. We’ll use live (seasonally dependent) and preserved specimens as well as images and videos to demonstrate some of these adaptations while discussing what they mean and how they are interpreted. We’ll also explore the connection between flower colours and animals that are attracted to them. Finally, depending on the time of year we’ll take a few minutes to talk about changing leaf colour.

Program Format
1. Discuss the children's observations while outside exploring the rainbow.
2. Discuss what we see compared to how animals see.
3. Discover different ways animals use colour to warn, trick or advertise.
4. Participants will pretend they are certain animals and share what their message is.
5. Time is allowed for questions and answers

30-45 minutes depending on grade level
Interactive Cost: $125.00

Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada) 

Karin Davidson-Taylor
Royal Botanical Gardens
680 Plains Road West
Burlington, Ontario, Canada  L7T 4H4
Phone: 905-527-1158 x249
Fax: 905-577-0375

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