Gr 2-5 Virtual Victory Garden

Community, school, and home gardening and the recent local and slow food initiatives all have roots in the Victory Garden movement of WWII. Students will play a fun and exciting game where they will discover how to grow a successful garden. During the game, students will complete activities related to the WWII Home Front, nutrition, healthy food choices, and community building. The program reinforces the values and skills that won the war, including teamwork, optimism, social action, and hard work.

Program Format
1. Introduction to the Museum (5 minutes)
2. Overview of Victory Gardening during WWII (10 minutes)
3. Play game identifying the steps to grow a successful garden (30 minutes total)

1. Introduce the Victory Garden movement and its significance during the war and now.

2. Present a fun game that reinforces the steps to grow a successful garden.

3. Present important values and lessons from the war such as teamwork, optimism, and service.

4. Explore how to make healthy choices and establish good eating habits.

5. Encounter WWII artifacts including propaganda posters and photographs, gaining insight into history through object-based learning.

By Request Cost: $100.00

The National WWII Museum

Chrissy Gregg
The National WWII Museum
945 Magazine St.
New Orleans, LA  70130
United States
Phone: (504) 528-1944 ext. 351
Fax: (504) 527-6088