Grades 1-3: Let's Go To the Movies

Content Provider Cleveland Institute of Music 2008-09
Contact Information Contact Adam Phillips about scheduling.
11021 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44106
United States
Phone: (216) 368-0780
Fax: (216) 791-3063
Program Type Individual Program
Program Rating This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 1, 2, 3
Maximum Number of Participants 30
Minimum Number of Participants No Minimum
Primary Disciplines Fine Arts, Performing Arts
Program Description In this class, students go not just to the movies but into the movies. From learning the types of music used in films to actually playing the roles of directors and composers, students will sing, act and dance their way through the world of film music in this fast-paced, activity-filled class.
Program Format 1. Discussion: Ways that music is used in movies
2. Interactive Example: Musicals
3. Activity: Responding to music with movement
4. Activity: Using movement to create a story
5. Discussion: Putting music in the movie
6. Live Performance: Cartoon Music
7. Activity: Becoming your own cartoon character
8. Activity: Creating your own hit list
9. Live Performance: Choosing the best music for a scene
10. Activity: Making sound effects to identify hits
Objectives Students will identify ways that music is used in film.
Students will understand and demonstrate how the composer and director work together to create music for movies.
Students will express music through movement and story telling.
National Standards to which this program aligns Music
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
State/Regional Standards to which this program aligns Ohio Academic Content Standards- Music

Historical, Cultural and Social Context
1. Identify and demonstrate same and different.
3. Sing, listen and move to music from various historical periods.
4. Identify, listen and respond to music of different composers.
5. Recognize how sounds and music are used in daily lives.
Grade 1
3. Sing, listen and move to music from various historical periods.
4. Identify, listen and respond to music of different composers
Grade 2
3. Sing, listen and move to music from various historical periods.
4. Identify, listen and respond to music of different composers.
Grade 3
2. Sing, listen and move to music from world cultures.
3. Discuss the purpose of music from selected historical periods.
4. Identify, listen and respond to music of different composers.
5. Recognize and describe ways that music serves as an expression in various cultures.

Creative Expression and Communication
1. Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of songs maintaining a steady beat.
2. Use the head voice to produce a light, clear sound.
4. Improvise movement to songs and recorded music.
Grade 1
1. Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of songs with accurate rhythm and developing accurate pitch.
2. Use the head voice to produce a light, clear sound.
Grade 2
1. Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of songs with accurate rhythm and pitch.
2. Use the head voice to produce a light, clear sound and maintain appropriate posture.
4. Improvise and compose simple rhythmic and melodic
Grade 3
1. Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of songs with accurate rhythm and pitch and appropriate expressive qualities.
2. Use the head voice to produce a light, clear sound and maintain appropriate posture.

Analyzing and Responding
1. Demonstrate contrasting elements of music (e.g., dynamics: loud/soft; rhythm: fast/slow; melody: high/low).
2. Listen and respond to various music styles (e.g., march).
3. Identify the sources of a wide variety of sounds.
4. Identify when an individual is performing.
Grade 1
1. Identify and demonstrate contrasting elements of music (e.g., dynamics: loud/soft; rhythm: fast/slow; melody: high/low).
2. Identify and demonstrate elements of music using developmentally appropriate vocabulary (e.g., rhythm, syllables, solfege).
5. Recognize and discuss individual and group performance.
Grade 2
1. Identify and demonstrate elements of music using developmentally appropriate vocabulary (e.g., rhythm, syllables, solfege).
3. Identify selected music instruments (e.g., flute, trumpet, guitar, violin, sitar, congas, bagpipes, synthesizer).
4. Discuss individual and group music performance.
Grade 3
1. Identify and demonstrate elements of music using developmentally appropriate vocabulary and music terms (e.g., quarter note, piano, forte).
2. Identify how elements of music communicate ideas or moods.

Valuing Music/Aesthetic Reflection
1. Participate in developmentally appropriate music activities.
2. Attend live music performances and demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and style of music performed.
3. Identify, discuss and respond to music written for specific purposes (e.g., holiday, march, lullaby).
4. Listen and respond to various music styles (e.g., march, lullaby).
Grade 1
1. Participate in developmentally appropriate music activities.
2. Attend live music performances and demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and style of music performed.
3. Respond physically to a variety of age-appropriate music.
4. Identify, discuss and respond to music written for specific purposes (e.g., holiday, march, lullaby).
Grade 2
1. Participate in developmentally appropriate music activities.
2. Attend live music performances and demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and style of music performed.
3. Respond physically, emotionally and/or intellectually (e.g., movement, written/oral description) to a variety of age-appropriate music.
4. Demonstrate how music communicates meaning of text, feelings and moods or images.
Grade 3
1. Participate in developmentally appropriate music activities.
3. Attend live music performances and demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and style of the music performed.
4. Respond physically, emotionally and/or intellectually (e.g., movement, written/oral description) to a variety of age-appropriate music.
5. Demonstrate how music communicates meaning of text, feelings and moods or images.

Connections, Relationships and Applications
1. Use music and/or found sounds together with dance, drama and visual art.
4. Identify a musician.
Grade 1
1. Use music and/or found sounds together with dance, drama and visual art.
4. Identify various uses of music in their cultures.
5. Recognize a musician.
Grade 2
1. Respond to music using dance, drama and visual art.
4. Identify various uses of music in the United States.
5. Identify the role of a musician.
Grade 3
1. Interpret music through dance, drama and visual art.
4. Identify similarities and differences in music of the United States.
5. Discuss that some people write music, direct music and/or perform music as jobs.
Program Length 45 minutes
By Request This program is available by request ONLY
Date/Time Notes This session is offered on demand
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees Interactive Cost: $175.00
Point to Point Cost: $175.00
By Request Cost: $175.00
Cancellation Policy Once arranged, distance learning offerings are very difficult and often impossible to re-schedule. The policy of the Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM) concerning distance learning scheduling and registration is as follows:

CIM does not allow the video or audio recording of our distance learning presentations.
Registration for distance learning programs must occur at least four weeks prior to the program date.
Upon confirmation of registration, payment of fees will be considered due, and distance learning clients will be invoiced for all applicable fees. Fees paid to CIM for distance learning programs are non-refundable, except in the case of school closings and other emergencies.
Requests for schedule changes made 10 or more days prior to the program date will be considered but not guaranteed.
Requests for schedule changes made less than 10 days prior to the program date will not be considered
Payments are due regardless of any schedule changes or cancellations.
Please note that all times are Eastern Standard Time.
Is recording allowed? No
The Provider broadcasts over ISDN
Minimum Broadcast Speed: 384 K
Maximum Broadcast Speed: 384 K

Internet 2
Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider CIM prefers that participant schools dial in to us using either IP or ISDN protocol. Ideally, we like to operate at 768 speed.

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