Elementary Programs from SOITA

September 16 - A Closer Look at Plants
Let's take a closer look at plants. Join us to learn about the life cycle of a plant, parts of a plant, and what a plant needs to grow.

September 22 - Laugh Your Head Off with Idioms

Students will encounter idiomatic expressions sprinkled throughout both written and spoken language. Idioms can be wonderful vocabulary-enriching tools as students are made aware of both the figurative and literal meanings behind them. Students will get a chuckle as they see how the literal meaning creates a very different picture from the figurative message.

September 29 - Sound: Here, There, Everywhere!

How does sound travel from the explosion of a cannon to our ears? Why is it that different strings on a guitar produce sounds higher and lower in pitch? In this session students will observe several experiments demonstrating the properties of sound and make their own observations concerning the transmission, reflection, and absorption of sound as well as how changing the rate of vibration can vary the pitch of a sound.

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Andy Anderson