Grades K-5: Ohio's Wildlife

Content Provider Lorain County Metroparks
Contact Information Leslie McNutt
4530 Colorado Ave.
Sheffield Village, OH 44054
United States
Phone: (440) 949-5200
Fax: (440) 949-5068
Program Type Individual Program
Program Rating This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Maximum Number of Participants There is no maximum, but for optimum interactivity, we suggest no more than 30 students
Minimum Number of Participants none
Primary Disciplines Sciences
Program Description By the use of mounts, skins, images, and live animals students will learn about animals that live in Ohio and the habitats they can be found in. Students will also learn the characteristics of classes of animals.
Program Format 1. Introduction
2. Wild Animals vs. Pets
3. Discussion of different classes of wildlife
4. Compare Ohio's animals to common animals where participants live (if applicable)
5. Live animals
6. Conclusion and Questions
Objectives Students will understand
1. Animals are grouped according to certain characteristics
2. Characteristics of mammals reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and insects
3. Some of the common wild animals found in Ohio
National Standards to which this program aligns NS.K-4.3 Life Science
As a result of activities in grades K-4, all students should develop understanding of:
The characteristics of organisms
Life cycles of organisms
Organisms and environments

NS.5-8>3 Life Science
As a result of their activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop understanding of:
Structure and function in living systems
Reproduction and heredity
Regulation and behavior
Populations and ecosystems
Diversity and adaptations of organisms
State/Regional Standards to which this program aligns Ohio
Life Sciences K-2
Benchmark B: Explain how organisms function and interact with their physical environment.
Kindergarten: Diversity and interdependence of Life
5. Investigate observable features of plans and animals that help them live in different kinds of places.
6. Investigate the habitats of many different kinds of local plants and animals and some of the ways in which animals depend on plants and each other in our community.
Grade 2: Characteristics and Structure of Life
6. Investigate the different structures of plants and animals that help them live in different environments.
7. Compare the habitats of many different kinds of Ohio plants and animals and some of the ways animals depend on plants and each other.
8. Compare the activities of Ohio's common animals during the different seasons by describing changes in their behaviors and body covering.

Scientific Ways of Knowing
Benchmark B: Recognize the importance of respect for all living things.
Kindergarten: Ethical Practices
3. Interact with living things and the environment in ways that promote respect.

Life Sciences 3-5
Benchmark A: Differentiate between the life cycles of different plants and animals.
Grade 3: Heredity
1. Compare the life cycles of different animals including birth to adulthood, reproduction and death

Benchmark B: Analyze plant and animal structures and functions needed for survival and describe the flow of energy through a system that all organisms use to survive.
Grade 3: Diversity and Interdependence of Life
2. Relate animal structures to their specific survival functions
3. Classify animals according to their characteristics.

Grade 5: Diversity and Interdependence of Life
4. Summarize that organisms can survive only in ecosystems in which their needs can be met.
Program Length 45 min to one hour
By Request This program is available by request ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees By Request Cost: $75.00
Program Fee Notes Receiving site is responsible for any line charges.
Cancellation Policy We will not charge for programs cancelled due to nature i.e. snow days. The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 48 hours notice, unless rescheduled.