Grades 3-12: Upcoming Programs from Israel

This five-part series is designed to give your students an encompassing understanding of the underlying causes of the conflict and the different approaches to solving it. While we recommend students experience all five sessions, schools can enroll in individual sessions.
SESSION 1: An overview of the historical underpinnings to the conflict, from biblical times until the present day, with an emphasis on events of the past century. This interactive session will be led by an educator using a PowerPoint presentation, media clips, and other aids to provide your students a foundation to enable them to move to the next four sessions. ($150 for 45-minute session)
SESSION 2: We will go “on location” to a Kibbutz on the border of the Gaza Strip to meet with teachers from the local school district. These teachers will describe life on a kibbutz in general, and one along the Gaza border in particular. As these communities have been rocketed repeatedly over the past decade, their unique perspective on the conflict will be of great interest to students. ($200 for 45-minute session)
SESSION 3: Students will meet with “Peace Now” activists to understand their approach to solving the Arab-Israeli conflict. ($150 for 45-minute session)
SESSION 4: Students will meet with settlers from the West Bank (and/or former communities in the Gaza Strip) for their take on the conflict and their approach to its solution. ($150 for 45-minute session)
SESSION 5: Students will meet with teacher(s) from the Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem ( This is a dual-culture, dual-language school comprised of both Arab and Israeli students and teachers. Judaism and Islam are taught, as are Hebrew and Arabic. A very unique school, these teachers will discuss their approach to solving the conflict and their current activities in addressing it. ($150 for 45-minute session)

ARCHAEOLOGY (Grades 3-12)
Yonatan Adler, award-winning, published archaeologist from the Bar Ilan University in suburban Tel Aviv, offers an outstanding videoconference entitled, “From Jerusalem: The Exciting World of Archaeology.” Using a PowerPoint presentation and actual artifacts dating back up to 3,000 years, the science of archaeology is presented in a very student-friendly format. For more information, please see: “From Jerusalem: An Introduction to the Exciting World of Archaeology” on the CILC website at ($200 for 45-minute session)

We offer a session entitled, “From Jerusalem: An Introduction to the Hebrew Language” in which students learn of the history and various alphabets and scripts of this very ancient language. Students actually learn to read Hebrew during the session (see the CILC website for additional information). ($125 for 45-minute session)

Our session entitled, “From Jerusalem: An Introduction to Judaism” is a highly interactive, student-friendly overview of Judaism presented through the investigation of Jewish ritual objects (see the CILC website for additional information). ($125 for 45-minute session)
For additional information, please contact us at, or at 1-610-572-4050.
Yitzchak Schwartz, M.Ed
CEO, Videoconference Services
Interactive Ltd