Gr 5-8: Science of Sound: Vibrations & Waves

Science of Sound: Vibrations

Sound occurs because of vibration. An instrument like a violin only has four strings which vibrate to produce sound, but a violin can play more that four notes. How is this possible? This session examines that question and many others in this highly interactive class. Frequency, amplitude and types of energy are among the topics examined.


Science of Sound: Waves

Science of Sound: Waves
Sound waves are superheroes. They move very quickly, they can move things, they can bend around corners, they can bounce around. This videoconference looks at different types of waves and their movements. Topics discussed include transfer of energy, measuring wave speed and harmonics.

Interactive Cost: $175.00 (Each program)

Contact Adam Phillips about scheduling.
11021 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44106
United States
Phone: (216) 368-0780
Fax: (216) 791-3063