9-12 New programs from the Independence Seaport Museum

The China Trade -- Economics, Past and Present
Money, money, money. Discover the basis of commerce and trade between the City of Philadelphia and the world by examining the China Trade. Objects such as opium, lumber, coal, and ice were traded for silk, porcelain, and tea. Learn how economics ruled the winds of trade from the “Silk Road” to present day. In addition, explore the Museum’s exhibit on Philadelphia and the China Trade.
(Language Arts/Social Studies)

Submarine Science
How does a submarine plunge from the water’s surface to the murky depths? How does this technology relate to human divers? Learn about ballast tanks and tour Submarine Becuna for an up-close look at the inner workings of these underwater vessels. Also, hear from a genuine submarine veteran about daily life aboard a sub. (Science/Math/Technology)

Ships and Fish -- Working Together
Thousands of sunken ships lay at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware Bay, creating new ecosystems for marine life. Learn how today the U.S. Navy actually sinks ships on purpose so they can become artificial reefs. How does casting ships to the ocean floor improve the life of thousands of marine species? The sunken ship itself is the fish’s treasure. (Science/Technology)

Interactive Cost: $125.00 (each)

For more information about class content and academic standards please call 215-413-8649 or email mflynn@phillyseaport.org.

Information acquired from www.cilc.org and the Independence Seaport Museum www.phillyseaport.org/edu_student.shtml