6-8 Social Studies/Language Arts lessons from the Seaport Museum

African-American Mariners at Sea

Grades 6-8
African Americans' naval service stretches back to the beginnings of the nation. Discover the important role of African-American mariners such as James Forten, Frederick Douglass, and Paul Cuffe. Learn how African-American mariners have shaped our naval history from the Revolutionary War to the present day. (Social Studies/Language Arts)

Simple Machines at Sea
Grades 6-8
How did early sailors move heavy things, such as coal and supplies, about the vessel? Simple machines helped the crew carry out such tasks on a daily basis. Learn the basics of knot tying and pulley systems, then delve into advanced examples in the Seaport’s boat-building workshop to gain first-hand experience of the importance of mechanical advantage. (Science/Math/Technology)

WWI -- The Forgotten War
Grades 6-8
Explore the causes and effects of the “Great War” and how it reshaped the world we live in today. Learn about the USS Olympia’s honorable mission to bring home the “unknown soldier” to America. This lesson also connects the conflict with previous wars and how it laid the groundwork for WWII.
(Social Studies/Language Arts)

WWII -- Submarines and Naval Warfare
Grades 6-8
Explore the importance of submarines and naval warfare during WWII with a lesson and tour of Submarine Becuna. Discover the significance of German U-Boats and learn about one of the greatest naval battles in history, the Battle of Leyte Gulf. Learn the history of WWII and its effects on the 20th century.
(Social Studies/Language Arts)

Interactive Cost: $125.00 (each)

For more information about class content and academic standards please call 215-413-8649 or email mflynn@phillyseaport.org.

Information acquired from www.cilc.org and the Independence Seaport Museum www.phillyseaport.org/edu_student.shtml