Grades 8-12: Classical Meets Pop: How the Two Fall in Love

Program Flyer: Classical Meets Pop: How the Two Fall in Love
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Manhattan School of Music

Juliana Han
120 Claremont Avenue
New York, NY 10027
United States
Phone: (212) 749-2802 ext. 4488
Fax: (212) 749-0562

Education: Grade(s): 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Performing Arts, Music

Curriculum, Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History, Standards

A 2-session exploration into what defines music to be classical or to be pop. With live and recorded examples, we compare the two styles, discuss historical contexts, and discover how the two are one of the same language. Activities include analyzing texts from both styles and discussing how the music speaks for itself. Using the music of Hip-Hop and Rock, we expand on the students' ability to relate to the music of Mozart, Schubert, and others. This program is part of Virtual Music Studio.
A Manhattan School of Music teaching artist will lead an interactive discussion.

45 minutes or one regular class period

This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
By Request/On Demand Cost: $250.00