Grades K-12: Ham it Up: Amateur Radio **FREE**

Program Flyer: HAM It Up: Amateur Radio
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Contact Information
Event Coordinator
2101 NASA Parkway
Houston, TX 77058
United States
Phone: (281) 244-7325
Program Type
Individual Program
Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience
Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Primary Disciplines
Mathematics, Problem Solving, Sciences, Technology/Information Science, space science
Program Description
You see it on television: NASA officials contact astronauts on the Space Station through radio hookups. There's another way to keep in touch with crewmembers, though, and anyone with a ham radio system can participate. And just for the record, the conversations don't start with "Breaker, breaker one-nine." Amateur radio, also called ham radio, has become the fun way for average folks to communicate with Space Shuttle and Space Station astronauts. Anyone with a scanner can listen to the communications that take place between Earth and space, and if you have a transmitter, you can get in on the conversations.While individuals can monitor Space Station transmissions from home, school groups can make it a class project and work closely with ham radio operators and NASA staff members to schedule a conversation with the astronauts. The ARISS project was started with that goal in mind: classes of students interacting directly with astronauts through ham radio linkups.
Program Format
Join the Digital Learning Network as we explore how astronauts on the International Space Station communicate using amateur, or HAM, Radio. Learn how amateur radio works, its purpose on the International Space Station, and how educators and students can participate in radio downlink events with astronauts through ARISS.
Students will:• Understand the function and importance of amateur radio on the International Space Station through the videoconference event• Identify resources available for radio downlink participation through the videoconference event• Understand how sound travels in waves
National Standards to which this program aligns
The following standards are abbreviated for the 5-8 learning module. Due to the longevitiy of standard descriptions, expected student behaviors are listed in the Complete Educator Guides on the DLN website for this topic. Standards and expected student behaviors for grades K-4 and 9-12 can be found in the appropriate Educator Guide.NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS (NSES)Unifying Concepts Content Standard A - Science as InquiryContent Standard B - Physical ScienceContent Standard E - Science and TechnologyContent Standard G - History and Nature of ScienceNATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS (NCTM)AlgebraGeometryProblem SolvingCommunicationINTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (ITEA)Standard 1 -Characteristics and Scope of Technology.Standard 17 - Information and Communcation Technologies
Program Length
50 minutes
By Request
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY

Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
Interactive Cost: $0.00Point to Point Cost: $0.00By Request/On Demand Cost: $0.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Program Fee Notes
NASA Digital Learning Network (DLN) content and connections are provided at no cost to your students.Connections by ISDN may have associated costs that your organization would pay for, directly to the provider of those services.
Cancellation Policy
We do not charge for cancelled programs, however we do appreciate at least 72 hours notice. We will make every effort to reschedule your event as soon as possible.
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Video Taping Notes
Videotaped programs may not be used by your organization/school for any monetary gains or as a direct or indirect endorsement of product or activity by NASA.
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ISDN Minimum Broadcast Speed: 56 K Maximum Broadcast Speed: 768 KIP
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NASA DLN receives ISDN or IP calls initiated by the customer. Your school or sponsoring organization initiates and funds the call to the Johnson Space Center. There are no other charges for the event.