Grades K-8: What Our Bodies are Capable Of

Content Provider

Cincinnati Art Museum
Contact Information

Heather Calcagno

953 Eden Park Drive

Cincinnati, OH 45202

United StatesPhone: (513) 639-2970 Fax: (513) 639-2998

Individual Program

Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.

Target Audience
Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Primary Disciplines
Fine Arts, Sciences

Program Description
Jumping, jousting, or jiving, our bodies are how we experience the world. This videoconference discusses pieces from the Cincinnati Art Museum's permanent collection that illustrate the body and what it is capable of. Artist's have been fascinated with the human form for as long as history has been recorded. This program melds the worlds of art and anatomy together as we discover the difference between muscles and marble.

Program Format
1. This program begins with a short introduction to the Cincinnati Art Museum2. We then discuss the different systems of the body and refer to art objects that relate.3. We discuss how artists use a knowledge of anatomy to create art.4. Participants then play an anatomy game with the presenter.5. We then discuss how new technology is changing our bodies and how artists are reacting to this.6. Lastly, we discuss why some art is not anatomically correct and look at some of these pieces.7. Time is allowed for questions and answers.

The participant will- develop a basic understanding of the anatomy and biological systems of the human body - explore how artists use our knowledge anatomy when creating a piece of artwork
National Standards to which this program aligns

National StandardNS.3-5.5 Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms1. Knows that plants and animals progrss through life cycles of birth, growth and development, reproduction, and death; the details of these life cycles are different for different organisms2. Knowes that living organisms have distinct structures and body systems that serve specific functions in growth, survival, and reproduction (e.g., various body structures for walking, flying, or swimming)3. Knows that the behavior of idividual organisms is influenced by internal cues (e.g., hunger) and external cues (e.g., changes in the environment), and that humans and other organisms have senses that help them to detect these cues.

Program Length
1 hour

By Request
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

Interactive Cost: $100.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits.

Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge

Programs must be paid for in advance.Please check back for discounted or new programs.
Cancellation Policy

We will not charge for programs cancelled due to nature (i.e. snow days). The full fee will be charged to sites that cancel with less than 48 hours notice.

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Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider

We ask all schools to dial the Museum at 384K.
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