Grade 3-6: Journey Inside The Eye

Students will get the chance to engage in activities that will help them learn why we see color, what are cone cells, what exactly is a blind spot, and the answers to other questions that deal with your eye.The culminating part of the program will show a live cow's eye dissection which will help the students see how certain parts like the iris and retina really look like.

Program Format
1. Introduction and quick discussion about where the class is from.

2. Activity using our exhibit "Bird in a Cage" which will help them learn about cone cells, retina, and a science concept called after image.

3. A second activity will follow dealing with our "blind spot". Students will get to re-create our exhibit right at their desks.

4. This will all lead into our live cow's eye dissection where the instructor will have an engaging discussion with the students while dissecting the cow's eye.

5. Questions and comments will than be taken leading into a Farewell

On Demand Cost: $125.00

Chris Lawrence

47-01 111th street

Queens, NY 11368

(718) 699-0005 ext. 319

Fax: (718) 699-1341