Grades K-3: You Can Make History: Trees, Trees, Trees

You Can Make History: Trees, Trees, Trees

Ohio Historical Society
Contact Information
Roger Norfleet or Matt Schullek
1982 Velma Ave.
olumbus, OH 43211
United States
Phone: (614) 298-2965
Fax: (614) 298-2963

Program Series
This program is part of a 6-part series. Each program stands on it's own, and it is not necessary to schedule all programs or to schedule the programs in any specific order.
Target Audience
Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3
Primary Disciplines
Social Studies/History
Secondary Disciplines

Program Description
Celebrate Arbor Day with Mrs. Priscilla and Arbuckle! Students are introduced to Arbuckle, a 200-year-old turtle in this series that helps students build a foundation for an understanding of history and the effects of the passage of time and change by comparing and contrasting their lives today with that of early settlers. In Trees, Trees, Trees, students will learn how settlers used trees in their daily life and why they were so important to settlers and the continued importance of trees in modern times.

1. The program begins with a participatory song.
2. Students discuss the passage of time.
3. Students compare and contrast their own lives with that of early settlers.
4. A song pertaining to the show's specific topic is sung.
5. A craft pertaining to the show's specific topic is taught.
6. Students have ample time for questions and answers.
- develop an understanding for the passage of time- compare and contrast their lives to the lives of early settlers - discuss the importance of trees in the lives of early settlers- emphasize the importance of trees in modern times
National Standards to which this program aligns
Presented by The National Center for History in the Schools
NSS-USH.K-4.1 LIVING AND WORKING TOGETHER IN FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES, NOW AND LONG AGO - Understands family life now and in the past, and family life in various places long ago Standard 1A: The student understands family life now and in the recent past; family life in various places long ago. - Understands the history of the local community and how communities in North America varied long ago Standard 2A: The student understands the history of his or her local community. Standard 2B: The student understands how communities in North America varied long ago.
NSS-USH.K-4.2 THE HISTORY OF STUDENTS' OWN STATE OR REGION - Understands the people, events, problems, and ideas that were significant in creating the history of their stateStandard 3C: The student understands the various other groups from regions throughout the world who came into the his or her own state or region over the long-ago and recent past. NSS-USH.K-4.3 THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES: DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES AND VALUES AND THE PEOPLE FROM MANY CULTURES WHO CONTRIBUTED TO ITS CULTURAL, ECONOMIC, AND POLITICAL HERITAGE - Understands the causes and nature of movements of large groups of people into and within the United States, now and long ago Standard 5A: Demonstrate understanding of the movements of large groups of people into his or her own and other states in the United States now and long ago. - Understands the folklore and other cultural contributions from various regions of the United States and how they helped to form a national heritage Standard 6A: The student understands folklore and other cultural contributions from various regions of the United States and how they help to form a national heritage.

30 - 45 minutes, depending on grade level

This program is available by request/on demand ONLY

Year round, on demand

Interactive Cost: $125.00

Premium Members enjoy many additional benefits. Learn more! Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge

The fee for Ohio schools/groups is $50; out of state schools/groups is $125. You will be invoiced upon completion of the program. Payments can be made by purchase order or check made payable to the Ohio Historical Society.
Cancellation Policy
We will not charge for programs cancelled due to inclement weather. The full fee will be charged to sites, which cancel with less than 24 hours notice.
The Provider broadcasts over IP

Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider

Schools should dial into us or contact us via a bridging agent, at an ideal connection speed of at least 384 kbps. We highly recommend you also schedule a test call with us at least 24 hrs prior to the date of your conference. Advance registrations are required and may be made by scheduling your program online at or by contacting the Scheduling Office of The Ohio Historical Center at (614) 297-2663 or (800) 850-3245 . We ask that program reservations be made at least two weeks in advance. Other questions and issues may be addressed by calling our distance learning studio at (614) 298-2965 .
How to Request this Program:-->Request this Program Now