Grades 7-12: Glass under Glass

Special Presentation: Glass under Glass
Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, Ontario

This one hour interactive presentation meets a wide variety of art expectations at various levels. See the spectacular exhibition of glass art in a glass house — our Mediterranean Garden, now in full bloom. Over 100 shining examples of glass art from local artists are on display. Royal Botanical Gardens is pleased to able to host such a wide variety of artists and their creative works of glass art which are displayed throughout our Mediterranean Greenhouse. Meet the Paull Rodrigue, one of the artists. Find out what inspires him and how he turns ordinary glass into beautiful works of art.

Date and Time: Wednesday, Feb 20 at 1:00 p.m. EST
Target Audience: Grade 7 - 12
Format: 45-minute videoconference: formatted into a 30-minute presentation followed by 15-20 minute interactive Question and Answer session with students
Cost: $125 per site.
Registration: Please email Karin Davidson-Taylor ( stating date/ time; grade; teacher / contact person; school; address; telephone number.
Questions: Contact Karin via email or phone (905-527-1158 ext 249; 800-694-4769 ext 249 (Canada only))

Before the videoconference, students should prepare advance questions to ask during the interactive question and answer period.

A teacher’s package including curriculum connections, pre- and post-conference activities as well as an outline of the program and resources will be emailed to participants.

Important: This may be a multipoint presentation with a maximum of 3 classes.

Check out our website for more information about the exhibit:



Karin Davidson-TaylorOutreach Education CoordinatorRoyal Botanical GardensHamilton * Burlington, Ontario
905-527-1158 ext 249800-694-4769 ext 249 (Canada)
Visit us at