Grades: K-12 Read Across America

Read Around the Planet* 2008A Celebration of "NEA's Read Across America"Sponsored by Polycom
2008 Dates: February 25-March 4Read Around the Planet (English)Read Around the Planet (World Languages) Both events will run through the same time frame this year. TWICE invites you to participate in a celebration of reading using video conference technology!
TWICE provides a matching service for point-to-point videoconferences between schools. Teacher matching is done based on your registration information. Participating schools are responsible for making the connections work successfully.
Please have your network administrator whitelist the domain so that you can receive email communications about the event.
Collaborations Around the Planet Login
November Verification Opens: Preparation by Coordinators & Techs
Login and set up your profile. Read more... or Watch Video
Coordinators: Go to Admin, Add My People. Read more... or Watch Video
Coordinators: Go to Admin, Add My Equipment. Read more... or Watch Video for Endpoints. Video for MCU/Bridges coming after Thanksgiving.
Recommended: Subscribe to the TWICE Blog to keep updated on RAP.
For regional coordinators: PPT for your coordinator meetings.
December 3 Teacher Registration Opens
January 9 Teacher Registration Closes
January 10-18 Leftover Registration and Fixes
January 25 Login and view your matched partner details.
February Techs do test calls & teachers talk to each other.
February 25-March 4 Connections occur.
*Disclaimer. While we are using this name to be inclusive to our international friends, this name does NOT guarantee U.S. schools an international connection. 90% of the classes that participate are from the U.S. Matching happens randomly based on the time you select, grade level, and type of connection. You can increase your chances of an international match carefully selecting your time based on the time zones.