Grade 3-6: Chocolate & Vanilla with the Camden Children's Garden

Chocolate & Vanilla
Cost: $70.00

Vanilla is the favorite ice cream flavor by far in the USA. Chocolate comes in second. Both flavors have been known for thousands of years, and they both originated from tropical ecosystems. We will explore where these flavors come from, and how they get to our tables.

1. The program begins with an exploratory of what the students already know about the subject. We will look at what and where are tropical rainforests around the world.
2. We then explore vanilla - what kind of plant it is, how it is pollinated and where it comes from?
3. Chocolate is next. We will view a short video on how chocolate is harvested.
4. We will discuss what other flavors come from the tropics.
5. If the teacher opts to have some chocolate candy or vanilla wafers to hand out, this is the time to hand them out.
5. Time is allowed for questions and answers.

Betsy Payne
3 Riverside Drive
Camden, NJ 08103
Phone: (856) 365-8733
Fax: (856) 365-9750